
出版时间:2004-9  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:菲尔丁  页数:98  




Chpater 1 A Boby is FoundChpater 2 The Shame of Mr PartridgeChpater 3 Young Tom Causes Some AnxietyChpater 4 Tom Falls in LoveChpater 5 A Sleepless Night for SophiaChpater 6 Tom Learns a Little about WomenChpater 7 Mr Allworthy Falls lllChpater 8 Mr Western Loses His TemperChpater 9 Blifils RevengyChpater 10 Sophia Makes a DecisionChpater 11 Tom Finds a FriendChpater 12 An Angel Appears to a Woman in TroubleChpater 13 An Inn's Reputation Is Put at RiskChpater 14 The Ring on His PillowChpater 15 Sophia Finds a Place to StayChpater 16 Rich FoodChpater 17 Tom Receives an InvitationChpater 18 Sohphia Has a RivalChpater 19 Tom Proposes MarriageChpater 20 A Kidnapping Is for JoyChpater 21 Mr Western Sings for JoyChpater 22 The Truth Comes OutChpater 23 The Story Reaches Its ConclusionNotesActivitiesAnswer Key



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