
出版时间:2004-3  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:贝克曼 (Beckerman Howard)  页数:216  译者:张黎新  


▲本册是《走进美国》的“中车道”,供具有初、中级英语水平的学习者使用。  ▲本册配有录音磁带3盒,VCD 3张。  《走进美国》分三册,涵盖家居、交通、超市、商场、服务、商务、保健、娱乐以及旅行9大美国生活主题。每个主题又下分10个场景,囊括了初到美国生活的人必须天天面对的主要问题。第一册到第三册采用了慢车道、中速道和快车道的独特编写方法。读者可以根据自己的程度调节学习进度,增强学习信心,不断挑战自我,逐步提高口语及听力水平。  权威——《走遍美国》作者、著名ESL专家,美语教程的又一权威力作。全力助您迅速掌握现代美语,了解美国文化,带您深入走进美国!  实用——本教材摒弃了以往很多美语教材内容脱离实际的缺点,围绕九大美国生活主题,真实再现美国生活情景。精挑细选,贴近实际、绝对实用的最新素材,让您学以致用,出口成章。  全面——本书配有录音磁带,实景VCD,全方位、多角度的多媒体学习配套产品,带您快乐实践美语听说,为您提供全面、完美、立体化的美语学习方案。  挑战——从简单的生存美语直至高级专业水平,全套教材采用科学进阶的教授方法,激励并引导您不断挑战自我,巩固记忆,逐步升级,直达运用美语的自由境界!


Unit 1 AT HOME  Scene 1 In the Kitchen preparing a meal   Scene 2 In the Dining Room setting the table  Scene 3 In the Garage straightening up  Scene 4 By the Pool giving commands  Scene 5 In the Living Room arranging furniture  Scene 6 In the Laundry Room washing clothes  Scene 7 In the Bedroom describing clothes  Scene 8 In the Bathroom identifying items  Scene 9 At the Door welcoming guests  Scene 10 In the Family Room introducing friends and family Unit 2 TRANSPORTATION  Scene 1 By Bus finding out about bus routes  Scene 2 By Car seeing someone off; giving directions  Scene 3 On Foot asking for / giving directions  Scene 4 By Taxi talking about destinations / distances  Scene 5 At the Gas Station asking for gasoline  Scene 6 By Subway finding out about stations and routes  Scene 7 By Ferry finding out about schedules  Scene 8 Rules of the Road learning driving instructions  Scene 9 Road Signs identifying signs  Scene 10 Routes & Schedules getting travel information by phone Unit 3 THE SUPERMARKET  Scene 1 Supermarket Aisles classifying items  Scene 2 Fish asking about food availability and preparations  Scene 3 Beverages locating items  Scene 4 Dairy weights and measures  Scene 5 Fruits & Vegetables comparing items  Scene 6 Frozen Food checking prices  Scene 7 By Phone verifying hours / asking about picnic items  Scene 8 Counting Change paying at the checkout counter  Scene 9 Paying by Check writing a check  Scene 10 Health & Beauty Aids checking a bill Unit 4 THE DEPARTMENT STORE  Scene 1 Men's Clothing suggesting a gift  Scene 2 Women's clothing asking about price / size  Scene 3 Appliances talking about kitchen items  Scene 4 Electronics describing product features  Scene 5 Hardware talking about tools and machines  Scene 6 Shoes talking about size and style  Scene 7 Product Safety talking about items for children  Scene 8 Product Warranties discussing product warranties  Scene 9 Catalogue Orders ordering from a catalogue  Scene 10 Opening and Account using a credit card Unit 5 SERVICES  Scene 1 A New Band Account opening an account  Scene 2 Checks cashing a check / making a deposit  Scene 3 Getting Cash getting cash  Scene 4 At the Post Office requesting postal services  Scene 5 At the Library finding / checking out books  Scene 6 At the Service Station asking about auto services  Scene 7 Ordering Phone Service requesting new service  Scene 8 Calling "Information" requesting a phone number  Scene 9 Calling 911 reporting an accident  Scene 10 At the Hair Salon getting a haircut / style Unit 6 BUSINESS  Scene 1 Help Wanted calling about an employment ad  Scene 2 A Job Interview talking about abilities  Scene 3 A Resume talking about background  Scene 4 The Stock Market discussing buying and selling  Scene 5 The Reception Desk giving and taking messages  Scene 6 Messages relaying / responding to messages  Scene 7 Computers getting technical support  Scene 8 Office Supplies confirming and order  Scene 9 Real Estate discussing buying a house  Scene 10 A Business Meeting presenting information Unit 7 HEALTH & FITNESS  Scene 1 At the Gym talking about exercise  Scene 2 Health Insurance getting information  Scene 3 Diets discussing eating habits  Scene 4 Making a Doctor's Appointment calling a doctor  Scene 5 A Visit to the Doctor talking about health  Scene 6 Talking about Sports commenting on a game  Scene 7 Playing Tennis playing a game  Scene 8 Patient Information giving information  Scene 9 Before Surgery discussing procedure  Scene 10 The Great Outdoors enjoying nature Unit 8 ENTERTAINMENT  Scene 1 At the Movies meeting for a date  Scene 2 At an Art Gallery discussing artwork  Scene 3 At a Restaurant getting a table  Scene 4 On the Menu discussing food choices  Scene 5 Dinner for Two ordering a meal  Scene 6 At a Night Club discussing music  Scene 7 Before the Theater getting tickets  Scene 8 After the Play reacting the play  Scene 9 At a Video Store renting a movie  Scene 10 A Day Off talking about plans Unit 9 TRAVEL  Scene 1 At a Travel Agency requesting information  Scene 2 Travel Plans booking a vaction  Scene 3 A Train Trip discussing schedules / rates  Scene 4 Going by Plane reserving tickets  Scene 5 Packing to Go packing for a trip  Scene 6 Hotel Reservations getting a room  Scene 7 Checking In checking in / checking out  Scene 8 Hotel Services calling the front desk  Scene 9 Renting a Car calling in a reservation  Scene 10 At the Beach relaxing / having fun ANSWER KEY CULTURAL VOCABULARY




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用户评论 (总计6条)


  •   学习口语就是要找这种由美国人自己编写的口语书,里面的句子分情景编写,利于我们以后的对话!很不错!
  •   了解美国
  •   内容很丰富,为什么没有光盘和磁带
  •   请问怎么没有光盘和磁带呢?怎么跟说明不相符呢?
  •   为什么我订的书,这里上面写发货了,可是我还没收到?我急用,能不能尽快帮我解决下。谢谢联系方式15959601520?
  •   没有光碟和磁带,弄虚作假!连客服也糊弄你。自己上书店买去吧!加上光碟和磁带,比他便宜多了!

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