出版时间:2004-4 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 作者:张红梅 页数:247
UNIT 1 Introduction to BusinessUNIT 2 Economic IssuesUNIT 3 Sectors & industriesUNIT 4 Capital MarketsUNIT 5 Technologies & Trends in BusinessUNIT 6 Business & RegulationsUNIT 7 Human Resources ManagementUNIT 8 Business OrganizationsUNIT 9 Marketing & SalesUNIT 10 Production ManagementUNIT 11 Effective CommunicationUNIT 12 Bussiness Ethics & MannersUNIT 13 Financial ManagementUNIT 14 Communication SkillsUNIT 15 Technology-based Communication PracticesUnit 16 Culture & CommunicationKey to ExercisesReferences
BUSINESS COMPUTER SYSTEMS Computers contihue to revolutionize business.Managers,for example,use lnformation from expert systems to help in the decision-making process,and market analysts use complex com-puter databases to analyze and forecast consumer behavior.In fact,computer technology is the most important aspect of the ate twentieth-century information revolution.This technology has led to the development of the new high-tech industries,Such as microelectronics and robotics. Speed,a high degree of accuracy,and the ability to manipulate and store large amounts of data led to the early specialization of computers in data processing.More recently,the smaller personal computers(microcomputers)have become afrordable,and software packages have been developed to support numerous business funcdohs.Increasingly used as managerlal tools, personal computers have become an integral part of many mamagers’offices. Computers and their appliations have resulted in more efficient and productive business operations.They perform routine functions such as payroll preparation and inventory control and more complex ones such as sales forecasting and preparation of“what if”questions for market abalysis. Computer technology is developing so rapidly that it is difficult to foresee exactly what roles computers will play in bisiness in the future.However,numerous computer applications are currently performing vital roles in business operatious.Some of these include: · word processing——using the computer to create,store,edit,and print text.Examples of texts include letters,memos,report,and other written business communications.Replacing the traditional typewriter,word processors are usually the first step in ;ffoce automation. · networking——the integration of computer systems,workstatious,and communications links.Computer networks are designed to meet business requirements by allowing users rapid and simultaneons access to key business information.Computer applications such as electronic mail and teleconferencing are only possible in a networked computer environment. ·database—a collection of informafion that is integrated and can be accessed for a variety of business applications.In this electronic filing system,businesses can store,update,and ma-nipulate informatior related to operations such as sales and customer demographics more effi-ciently than in older generation of computer programs(e.g.,FORTRAN and COBOL). · spreadSheet—a collection of numbers,formulas,and worksheets.The electronic spread-sheet contains rows and cplumns and is used for sales forecasts,reports,income statement and balance sheet preparation,and many other numerical analyses. ·expert system—a sophisticated computer program that applies specialized knowledge drawn from human experts in order to solve problems.By applying symbolic logic and a series of rules,an expert system simulates the behavior of human experts in solving problems in simi-lar situations. The increasing power and affordability of computer hardware and software have led to an even wider use of computers in business.As a result of the development of the mocroprocessor,which is really a computer on a chip,it is possible to have a portable electronic office.For a salesperson in the field,a computer that fits in a briefcase has quickly given way to one that can be held in the palm of the hand(palmtop).Equipped with a modem,the portable office allows instantaneous communications with the home office for solving customer problems. Computer technology and software applications are providing numerous opportrnities for business.The challenge is to recognize these opportunities and mamage them in a creative and knowledgeable way. The HRM(Human Resource Management)process,which is an ongoing procedure that tries to keep the organization supplied with the right people in the right ositions,includes such basic activities as human resource planning,recruitment,selection,socialization,training and development,performance appraisal,and romodons,transfers,demotions,and separations. Human resource planning is designed ts ensure that personnel needs will be onstantly and appropriately met.it is accomplished through analysis of both intemal factors,such as current and expected skll needs,vacancies,and padmental expansiohs and reductions,and factors in the environment,such as the labor market .The use of computers to build and maintain inform_ tion aboUt all employees has enabled organizations to be much more efficient in their planning of human resources. Recruitment is concemed with developing a pool of job candidates in line with the human resource plan.candidates are usually located through newspaper and professional journal advertisements,employment agencies,word of mouth,and visits to college and uniVersity campuses. Selection involves using application forms,resumes,interviews,employment and shlk tests,and reference checks to evaluate and screen job candidate for the mariagers who will u1timately select and hire a candidate. In today’s hyper-competitive global markets,any company that operates intemationally is faced with the task of integrating many value systems into a framework that allows the organi-zation not only to survive but also to compete effec“vely。A European research group-the European Managehal Decision Making Project—was formed in l994 to examine the effect of different national value systems on organizational policy.The project’s research methodologY is simple:given identical business problems,do managers in six different European countries choosesimilar soludons? In addition to the responses to these questions,the study also includes both organizational and personal data. The behaviors that intrigue the research team most are decisions concerning recruitment,promotion,remuneration and workforce reduchons.The criteria used to select,promote,pay and make employees redundant are thought to reveal most about national values. ……
编者寄语 中国加入世界贸易组织之后,对高层次复合型国际商务人才的需求越来越大,越来越迫切。但是,目前具有广博的国际商务知识并熟练掌握商务技能的高级复合型人才在我国并不多。多数人要么只有国际商务的专业知识而没有良好的语言技能,要么只有良好的语言技能而没有国际商务方面的知识。因此,涉外经济专业既要突出该专业学生具有较高综合素质的特点,更要突出学生适应经济全球化的特点,我们编写《国际商务英语阅读》教材正是为了达到这一目的。 近年来,随着中国经济的高速发展,国内也掀起了学习国际商务英语的热潮,各类有关国际商务英语的教材可谓琳琅满目。这些教材的编写者从不同的角度出发对商务英语进行了归纳和总结,可以说各有所长,互为补充。 到底什么是商务英语,什么是商务呢?编者认为,只有在明确了商务英语和商务这两个概念和范畴以后,商务英语教材的编写才能做到目标明确,有针对性。 从语言载体的角度来讲,商务英语属于专门用途英语,但从内容而言,商务英语又不能脱离商务。商务英语可以说就是一门用英语来讲授商务的课程。只懂英语不懂商务的教师很难教好商务英语,同样,只学英语,不学商务的学生也很难学好商务英语。据编者的陋见,以往的商务英语教材大多偏重于语言也就是英语的教学,真正侧重于商务本身的教材并不多而什么又是商务呢?也许我们很难给商务下个定义,但我们却可以试着勾勒一个框架。当我们谈论商务时往往离不开经济、科技、法律、管理、行业、信息沟通等话题,因此,商务可以说是一个极为广泛的概念,同时更是一个跨学科的领域。商务并非简单地做生意,商务领域涉及的知识广博而又精深。 牛津大学的 Mark Ellis 和 Christine Johnson 两位学者曾在其专著《商务英语教学》(上海外语教育出版社,2002年)一书中指出,近年来国际商务英语教学呈现出一些共同的特征。一是日益增多跨学科的阅读活动(cross-reading from disciplines);二是日益增多的管理培训(management training)的影响;三是越来越强调商务活动中明确无误的信息沟通(clear communication)的重要性。 本书编者正是受到这样一种思路的启发,在编写过程中遵循了以下几个主要原则: 一、突出商务的跨学科性 商务的跨学科性主要是指商务的背景要素涉及了经济问题、资本市场、行业动态、信息技术、法律法规等领域,正是这些话题不断构成当今世界国际商务领域的背景或焦点。 二、突出国际商务过程中的管理和沟通 国际商务的经营管理,包括商务组织、人力资源管理、财务管理、市场营销、生产制造等环节。我们力图较为完整地勾画出国际商务运作的全过程。 在国际商务沟通部分,重点介绍如何进行有效的商务沟通,商务沟通的手段、技能和方式,以及商务沟通中的跨文化意识等。 ……