出版时间:2003-10 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 作者:兰利
鲁珀特·莫多克,ISBN:9787560036571,作者:(英)兰利(Langley,A..) 著,关金宝 译
谁是鲁珀特· 默多克?在澳大利亚和少年时代感受英伦生活创建澳大利亚王国挺进舰队街开拓美利坚大肆收购击败工会卫星战众说纷纭话默多克动力之源鲁珀特· 默多克--大事年表
书摘 鲁珀特·默多克是当代最具实力的企业家之一。他拥有多家报纸、电视台、出版社,一家电影公司以及遍布全世界的数十家庞大企业。他的控股公司——新闻集团有限公司,在世界范围内影响着人们获取信息和进行娱乐的方式。 新闻集团公司是建立在传统的新闻媒体——书面媒体——基础上的,其报纸在全世界发行。这些报纸包括颇有影响力的严肃报纸:伦敦的《泰晤土报》,以及分布在美国、澳大利亚和其他国家的许多地方性报纸。默多克总是任用那些能抓住公众注意力的主编。 反过来,这些人创办出新式的大众性报纸。硬新闻经常让位于有类名人的粗俗且具轰动效应的报道。丑闻、争斗和体育报道充斥着报纸版面,并常有裸胸女郎的照片。但这种大胆的做法确实奏效,默多克大多数报纸的销量都遥遥领先于竞争对手。 早在职业生涯初期,默多克就意识到新技术将对媒体的未来发展起关键作用。所以他获取了电视频道的控制权,并创办了卫星和数字电视系统,例如英国天空广播公司。这看起来是个大冒险,但他总是领先竞争对手一步。 凭借运气、胆识和——最重要的——坚决的干劲,默多克建立了庞大的帝国。受强烈的雄心所驱使,他把自己的一生都奉献给了工作。结果他极少有时间休息,也没有什么户外的爱好。他几乎不看书,也很少听音乐,睡眠不好,疾病缠身。 1950年,默多克首次踏上英国的土地。他获得了牛津大学的入学资格,但他得先完成一项暑期工作。他来到伯明翰,在当地的《公报》报社工作了几个月。离开时,他给《公报》的老板写了封信,力劝他解雇主编!牛津大学里的澳洲人 同年秋天,默多克住进了牛津大学伍斯特学院自己的宿舍。他研读政治学、哲学和经济学,但学习常常让他感到乏味。他更愿意泡在大学的俱乐部里,或者到赛马场去。Many other students found Murdoch difficult to like. He was rich and noisy, and did not hide his scorn for the English class system and its snooty ways. Worse still, he also had a lot of left-wing views which did not seem to fit in with his big-spending lifestyle. As a result, when he tried to join an Oxford cricket team or become a club secretary, he was turned down.TRAVEL AND TRAGEDYThere was plenty of excitement outside college walls. Murdoch visited friends throughout England - once arriving in a brand-new Rolls Royce which he had borrowed on a promise to write about it in a Murdoch paper. He also made trips to Paris and other European cities which boasted good casinos.Keith Murdoch, by this time very iii, was worried by his son's behaviour. He desperately wanted him to take on his newspaper empire. When Sir Keith died in October 1952, Rupert took the first plane home. Even so, to his great sorrow he missed the funeral. 很多学生发现默多克难以相处。他富裕而聒噪,丝毫不掩饰他对英国社会等级制度及其夜郎自大方式的蔑视。更糟糕的是,他还有大量与其挥金如土的生活方式看起来毫不相符的左翼观点。结果,当他试图加入牛津大学板球队或当一名俱乐部秘书时,遭到了拒绝。旅行和悲剧 学院的大墙外有许多刺激。默多克拜访了英格兰各地的朋友——有一次他是驾着崭新的劳斯莱斯去的,那是他许诺在默多克家族的报纸上提及该车后借来的。他还曾前往巴黎以及其他一些以睹场著称的欧洲城市。 当时病重的基思·默多克很为儿子的行径担忧,极其希望儿子接管自己的报业王国。1952年10月基思爵土去世时,鲁珀特乘坐头班飞机赶回家。即使这样他还是错过了葬礼,这令他十分悲痛。 “他狂暴、见多识广、21岁,是众所周知的精明赌徒。” 1952年学生杂志《查韦尔》对默多克的评价LEARNING THE TRADESir Keith had not been hugely wealthy. He left his son shares in the newspapers in Brisbane and Adelaide and little else,although he wished (in his will) that Rupert should have 'a useful and full life in newspaper and broadcasting activities'.That is exactly what Rupert Murdoch wanted, too.Murdoch took his final Oxford exams in 1953 and gained only a third-class degree. His eye was now firmly on his future - in newspapers. But before returning to Australia,he was determined to learn about the craft of journalism. He took ajob on the Daily Express in London.This was an ideal training ground.The Daily Express was then one of the brightest and best-run papers in the world. Murdoch worked as a sub-editor, polishing the journalists' copy and writing snappy headlines. His experiences here gave him practical ideas about how a newspaper should be run.了解业界 基思爵土并非富可敌国。他把在布里斯班和阿德莱德的报纸股份留给了儿子,此外并没有留下太多的东西,然而他希望(在他的遗嘱中)鲁珀特应该“在报纸和广播事业中过有益且充实的生活”。这也正是鲁珀特·默多克心中所向往的。 1953年,默多克在牛津大学参加了最后几门考试,仅仅获得了三等学位。现在他的目光紧紧瞄向他的未来——报业。但在返回澳大利亚之前,他决定学习新闻写作技艺。他在伦敦的《每日快递》谋得了一份工作。 这是个理想的训练场所。《每日快递》是当时世界上最有前途、经营得最好的报纸之一。默多克担任助理编辑,润饰记者的文章,撰写精悍的标题。他在这里的经历使他对如何运营一家报纸有了切实可行的见解。Rolling up his sleevesThe young Murdoch wore smart three-piece suits, But once in the office, he would soon shed his jacket and roll up his sleeves. Then he would tear into the day'swork, never afraid to get his hands dirty with printers'ink or ask questions as he learned the secrets of the industry. He kept this habit throughout his career.HOME AT LASTThe 22-year-old Murdoch flew home late in 1953 to take up the challenge of his family business. This was based in Adelaide, the capital city of South Australia. Here the Murdoch-run papers, the Adelaide News and the Sunday' Mail,had to compete with the more powerful Adelaide Advertiser.The new boss had to plunge straight into the first big battle of his business life. 'Please don't get the impression that I will be walking in [and telling] you what's wrong with everything. I will be treading softly for I a time.' Rupert Murdoch in a letter to the editor,1953卷袖大干 年轻的默多克穿的是潇洒的三件套。但一进办公室,他会很快脱掉上衣,卷起袖子,然后埋头苦干一天的工作,全然不顾双手被打印机的油墨弄脏;他会不耻下问,了解行业秘密。他在职业生涯中一直保持这个习惯。最终返家 1953年年底,22岁的默多克飞回家,开始接手家族事业,迎接挑战。这份生意以南澳大利亚首府阿德莱德为根据地。在这儿,默多克家族经营的报纸《阿德莱德新闻报》和《星期日邮报》不得不与更有实力的《阿德莱德广告报》竞争。这位新老板不得不一头扎进他商业生涯的第一场大战中去。 ……