
出版时间:2002-8  出版社:外研社  作者:全国五年制高等职业教育公共课开发指导委员会 编  页数:225  




The Background to Business (1)The Background to Business (2)ManagementMutual FundsMarketingInternational TradeBusiness AccountsEveryday Etiquette for Office LifeThe Right Person for a JobBusiness in a Changing World (1)Business in a Changing World (2)


  Six-year-old Robert has a dollar in his hand. He received the dollar for doingsmall chores around the house. He can spend it as he chooses. Robert decides he might like to buy a new toy. On the other hand, hed love to spendthe whole dollar on candy. But having money in his pocket also makes him feel good. Sopart of him wants to tuck the dollar away and save it. He is torn about what to do. This young child faces the basic economic problem. It is the same economic problemthat you deal with every day, whether you know it or not. This problem is faced bygovernments, businesses —— in fact, by every organization and living person. It is theproblem of scarcity: When you only have so much of something, how do you best use it? Young Robert has many possible uses for his dollar. He could use the dollar to takecare of his hunger. Or he could take care of his desire to play, or his desire to feel "rich". Hehas to make a choice. Even if he had millions of dollars, he would still have to makechoices. There would still be limits to how much he could spend. In this world, no one willever have the luxury of not having to choose. Economic decisions are a fact of life. Economies is the study of how people, businesses, and nations make choices. It isthe study of how we deal with scarcity, or how we use our limited resources. Resourcesare those things that can be used to produce goods and services.





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