
出版时间:2002-7  出版社:外语教研  作者:郑树棠总主编  页数:247  


  本教材是国务院批准的教育部“面向21世纪振兴行动计划”的重点工程“新世纪网络课程建设工程”项目之一,由郑树棠教授为项目总责任人和教材总主编。全国十几所重点院校的专家教授参加编写,胡文仲等国内外专家为顾问。教材编写以人为本,以教学为中心,以《大纲》[修订版]为基础,以教学手段的改革为思路,以质量为保证,以特色求发展,以上一个新台阶为目标,积极应对高教大发展、教育国际化带来的新挑战。  本书附光盘一张。


Unit 1Section A Alfred Nobel: A Man Of PeaceSection B Marie Curie: A Twentieth-Century WomanSection C Nobel Prize WinnersUnit 2Section A Speaking of Men and Women...Section B Women and ChangeSection C A Woman Looks at the FutureUnit 3Section A Trying to Fit into a New FamilySection B AdoptionSection C The Story of an Adoptive MotherUnit 4Section A Stopping Smoking in Public Places?Section B A Decision Made Too LateSection C The Future of Cigarette MakersUnit 5Section A Many Choices in ShoppingSection B Advertising EverywhereSection C Mediium or LargeUnit 6Section A The More You Give, the Happier You BecomeSection B Keep Alive Your Sense of HumorSection C Anger Doesnt Make Things BetterUnit 7Section A Why Getting Married So Young?Section B Love or Infatuation?Section C Live Together First?Unit 8Section A Treating IllnessSection B HeadachesSection C Food and HealthUnit 9Section A Little SaigonSection B Thought of Myself as an AmericanSection C Migration TodayUnit 10Section A High Technology in the HousSection B The Fun They Had in SchoolSection C Do Computers Help You to Learn?AppendixPresupposed Word ListGlossaryWorld Counting在线教学系统学生使用说明



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