出版时间:2002-5 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 作者:琼斯,麦斯尔德
本书所选的对话与原文,均贴近现实,贴近生活,语言地道,所用词汇绝大多数属于2001年7月开始试用的《英语课程标准》中规定的普通高中生必须掌握的词汇。书中的练习具有很强的可操作性,学生使用起来很方便,对学生的活动既有引导,又没有束缚得太死。学生在对话等练习中,完全可以结合自己的情况灵活应变,这对激发他们的创造性思维,提高综合素质都是很有好处的。各个单元版式的排列也颇具匠心,大量新颖的表格、图片、图画的使用,使语言材料更鲜活地呈现出来,这无疑会激发起学习者的浓厚兴趣。 本书既适合普通高中的学生和水平较高的初中生,也适合具有初级水平的英语学习者自学使用。建议在使用本书时,应坚持把使用英语放在第一位,通过使用英语,来体会语言的规律和语法的规则,而不要过分强调用语言知识讲解的办法来处理各项语言材料。在进度、材料取舍、练习方式的安排上,切记要适合自己学生的实际,该快则快,当慢则慢。只有结合实际灵活地使用教材,才能真正发挥它的作用。
Unit1 Let's go shoppingUnit2 Talking about familiesUnit3 Eating outUnit4 Out and aboutUnit5 Traveling aroundUnit6 Keeping fitUnit7 The big screenUnit8 MagazinesUnit9 Working lifeUnit10 Hobbies and interestsUnit11 Famous peopleUnit12 Arranging a vacationUnit13 Following the newsUnit14 TechnologyUnit15 Festivals and holidays
书摘 Read the conversation between a shopkeeper and a customer to yourself. Then read the conversation aloud in pairs, repkidng any word in brackets with your own ideas. When there is a choice of expressions, read only one of them.Shopkeeper: Good morning. Can I help you? Good afternoon. Hello. Customer: Yes, I'm looking for a (suit).Shopkeeper: Certainly. What size are you? Customer: I'm not sure because I haven't bought a (suit) for a long lime. I don't know.Shopkeeper: You look like a size 10 or smaller. Here, try this one on. Customer: I don't like brown. Could I try the gray one? I prefer gray. Could f try that? My favorite is gray. May I try it on?Shopkeeper: Certainly. Of course. Customer: How much is it?.Shopkeeper: ($274). Customer: Well, the (jacket) seems to fit.Shopkeeper: What about the (trousers)? Customer: No, they're a bit (big) around the waist.Shopkeeper: We can alter (them) for you. Customer: Oh, that would be great. How much would that cost? Thanks very much.Shopkeeper: About ($40). Customer: That's not too much, I think I'll take (them). I'll buy (them).Shopkeeper: It'll be ready by (Friday). Customer: Thank you. I'll see you on (Friday). Read the following conversation between a waiter and a customer to yourself. Then read the conversation aloud in pain, replacing any words in brackets with your own details. When there is a choice of expressions, read amy one of them.A: Good afternoon. (Thai Hot Pot.) (Peter) speaking. Good evening. How can I help you?B: I'd like to make a reservation at your restaurant.A: Yes. How many people? Of course. For how many?B: Two. Three.A: And when is that for?B: Tomorrow. Next Saturday.A: And what time?B: About eight o'clock.A: I'm sony, (sir/madam). All our tables are reserved until nine o'clock.B: Could I make it the next night?A: Yes, (Sunday) is fine at eight o'clock.B' Very well then.A: And the name, (sir/madam)? Could I have your name, please?B: Yes, it's (Linda Everingham). (E-V-E-R-I-N-G-H-A-M.)A: Could I have a contact phone number, please?B: Yes, it's (874 3980).A: Thank you. We look forward to seeing you on (Sunday) at eight. Goodbye.B: Thank you. Goodbye. Read the following conversation between a receptionist and a client to yourself. Then read the conversation aloud in pairs,replacing any words in brackets with your own details. When there is a choice of expressions, read only one of then.Receptoinist: Good morning. How can I help you? Hello. What can I do for you today?Client: Good morning. I'd like to join your fitness center. Hello. Can I join your fitness center?Receptionist: Certainly. It costs nothing to join and $20 per session. Of course. It costs $120 to join and $10 per session.Client: How long is a session?Receptionist: An hour. We have squash courts, a sauna, and Thirty minutes, a gym.Client: You don't have a swimming pool?Receptionist: Ho, I'm afraid not.Client: That's all right.Receptionist: Can I have your name, please? Could you tell me your name, please?Client: (Elizabeth Jones)Receptionist: Would you like to reserve now?Client: Yes, I'll reserve the sauna please for Tuesday afternoon at 3 P.M.Receptionist: That's fine. We'll see you on Tuesday then. Okay.Client: Goodbye.Receptionist: Bye. Read to yourself the following conversation between two friends about horoscope. Then read the conversation aloud in pairs.replacing any words in brackets with your own details. When there is cholce of expressions, read only one of them.David: Hi, (Sandra).Sandra: Hello, (David).David: What are you reading? What's that?Sandra: I'm reading my horoscope for the month. I like to see what they say might happen to me.David: Which sign are you? Which horoscope are you?Sandra: I was born (July 7) so I'm a (Cancer). That has a (Crab) os its sign.David: According to this, someone from your post may contact you.Sondra: That sounds mysterious.David: what is my sign? What is my horoscope?Sandra: When were you born?David: November 6.Sandra: You're a (Scorpio). It says you are not having a good time at the moment.David: That's true. Perhaps these horoscopes are fight.……
前言在多年的中学英语教学实践中,我一直盼望能有一本情趣盎然、材料生动、难易合适、实用性强的教科书。当我读到外语教学与研咒出版社出版的《生活英语听说(Everyday English)一书时,我眼前不觉一亮。在当前我国英语教学特别强调培养学生实际使用英语能力地时刻,这本书确实给人耳目一新的感觉。它融趣味性与实用性为一体,构思巧妙,具有鲜明的时代特征和英美文化色彩。它把培养学生在日常生活中的听说读写能力作为主要目标,同时又兼顾句型结构的掌握和词汇的学习。它的基本编排思路,即题材(Theme)--功能(fuction)一结构(Stmcture)—任务(Task),已被英语教学的实践证明,完全符合外语学习的规律以及学生的心理与生理特点: 本书分为学生用书与教师用书。学生用书共两册,每册有75个单元,每个单元涉及一个话题。所有话题均与日常生活密切相关,如家庭、做饭、买衣服、问路、定日记、看医生等。每个单元以该专题最常用的词汇开始,接着是有提示的对话、问话练习、短文阅读,然后是语言结构的基本操作,最后是两个巩固性练习,同时又留有学生发挥的余地。应该说,每个单元输入的语言信息量是充足的,有了充足的语言信息输入,才能保证语言能力的提高。 教师用书一册,适用于学生用书的两册,且配有录音磁带。教师用书中列出了所有练习答案及听力练习原文。本书所选的对话与原文,均贴近现实,贴近生活,语言地道,所有词汇绝大多数属于2007年7月开始试用的《英语课程标准》中规定的普通高中生必须掌握的词汇。书中的练习具有很强的可操作性,学生使用起来很方便,对学生的活动既有引导,又没有束缚得太死。学生在对话等练习中,完全可以结合自己的情况灵活应变,这对激发他们的创造性思维,提高综合素质都是很有好处的。各个单元版式的排列也颇具匠心,大量新颖的表格、图片、图画的使用,使语言材料更鲜活地呈现出来,这无疑会激发起学习者的浓厚兴趣。 本书既适合普通高中的学生和水平较高的初中生,也适合具有初级水平的英语学习者自学使用。建议在使用本书时,应坚持把使用英语放在第一位,通过使用英语,来体会语言的规律和语法的规则,而不要过分强调用语言知识讲解的办法来处理各项语言材料。在进度、材料取舍、练习方式的安排上,切记要适合自己学生的实际,该快则快,当慢则慢。只有结合实际灵活地运用教材,才能真正发挥它的作用 目前,教育部已提倡在中学教学甲买行”一纲多,奉—。我们相信,《生活英语听说》(Evryday English)将成为我国中学外语教学园地上一朵灿烂的鲜花,成为广大师生最喜爱的教材之一。 北京四中 外语教研组 李俊和 2002年2月