
出版时间:2002-5  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:亚历山大 何其莘  页数:114  


学的实用参考。 本练习册有以下特点:


中青年专家。主要成果包括:Listen to


Lesson 1 Finding fossil manLesson 2 Spare that spiderLesson 3 Matterhorn manLesson 4 Seeing handsLesson 5 Youth Lesson 6 The sporting spiritLesson 7 BatsLesson 8 Trading standardsLesson 9 Royal espionageLesson 10 Silicon ValleyLesson 11 How to grow oldLesson 12 Banks and their customersLesson 13 The search for oilLesson 14 The Butterfly EffectLesson 15 Secrecy in industryLesson 16 The modern cityLesson 17 A man-made diseaseLesson 18 PorpoisesLesson 19 The stuff of dreamsLesson 20 Snake poisonLesson 21  William S.Hart and the early'Western'filmLesson 22 Knowledge and progressLesson 23 Bird flightLesson 24 BeautyLesson 25 Non-auditory effects of noiseLesson 26 The past life of the earthLesson 27 The 'Vasa'Lesson 28 Patients and doctorsLesson 29 The hovercraftLesson 30 Exploring the sea-floorLesson 31 The sculptor speaksLesson 32 Galileo rebornLesson 33 EducationLesson 34 AdolescenceLesson 35 Space odysseyLesson 36 The cost of governmentLesson 37 The process of ageingLesson 38 Water and the travellerLesson 39 What every writer wantsLesson 40 WavesLesson 41 Training elephantsLesson 42 Recording and earthquake    Lesson 43 Are there strangers in space?Lesson 44 Patterns of cultureLesson 45 Of men and galaxiesLesson 46 HobbiesLesson 47 The great escapeLesson 48 Planning a share portfolioWorkbook key


  5.______________speaking, we all agreewith you.  (a) Widely  (b) Roundly  (c) Thickly  (d) Broadly  6 She was___________hurt by what her friend said about her.  (a) deeply  (b) deep  (c) deeper  (d) deepest  7 The police said that everything the manhad done was_______________ suspicious.  (a) highly  (b) high  (c) deeply  (d) deep  8 When we found the main road closed, wehad to find an ____________ route.  (a) alternative  (b) altering  (c) alternating  (d) altered  C Composition  Using the notes below, write a short account (300-400 words) of the life of Winston Churchill.Begin with the words: Sir Winston Churchill, one of England's greatest statesmen  b. 1874 Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, England ~ son of Lord Randolph Churchill descendant of lst Duke of Marlborough Educated Harrow (School) and Sandhurst (Royal Military Academy)1897-1898, served in army abroad; then London newspaper correspondent in Boer War,captured, escaped. 1900entered parliament, first as Conservative, then as Liberal.1906-1910 various government positions First World War ~ 1917 appointed Minister of Munitions; /9/9-/92/ Secretary of State for War and Air Mid-1930s ~ warned country about rise of power of Nazi Germany ~ warnings not heeded. 1940 Neville Chamberlain resigned as Prime Minister ~ Churchill became P.M. of coalition for 5 years warEarly on, gained loyalty of British people and confidence of Allies; very popular, and highly competent speaker ~ able to convince people they would w/n the war 1945 ~ lost General Election, but P.M. again in 1951 1955 ~ handed premiership to Anthony Edend.1965 on death, treated almost like royalty; lay in state in Westminster Abbey, andstate funeral procession through LondonAlso known for his painting and writing. Titles include My Early Life (1930), History ofthe Second World War (6 vols, 1948-1954), A History of the English Speaking Peoples(1956-1958); and famous for his large cigars!1953 awarded Nobel Prize for LiteraturePerhaps most famous quotation?: I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. '(from speech in House of Commons on becoming Prime Minister, 13 May 1940)  A Comprehension  This is a short magazine feature in which three people talk about their most recent holiday and what they thought of /t. Read /t. For items 1-10 opposite, choose from the holidays A-C. The holidays may be chosen more than once. There are two answers to the last two questions.THREE VERY DIFFERENT HOLIDAYS Three people describe the holiday they have just had with their partner or familyHoliday A  It's not snobbery. It's just that we don't like package holidays or package tours, and quite honestly we have enough money to buy the best. This year again we went to an exclusivehotel in the Caribbean with everything you could possibly want and the beach two minutes'walk from our veranda.  It was absolute heaven - a holiday paradise, in fact. There were people there to cater for your every need at any time of the night or day. The doorman always had a smile on his face and was full of advice about the island, and the chambermaids were excellent. There was a certain refinement about the hotel, which was highly cosmopolitan, although many of the guests were American or British, and everyone spoke English.  Holiday B  Although we normally go on cycling holidays in England, we've just come back from our first camping holiday, and it was great! We drove all the way to the south of France where we had booked into one of the many excellent sites. Granted, it was organized camping, and some people have a low opinion of that, but it was very enjoyable. We got plenty of fresh air, often washing and showering in the open air, and we did a lot of walking. It was a very healthy holiday. We didn't need to take any camping equipment with us, although we obviously took outdoor clothes - anoraks, boots and so on. Everything had been thought of - inside the tent and outside.  There was no room here for insularity, with a Dutch family one side, a French fanuly the other, an Indian family opposite and, in the tent behind, a family from Sweden. It was like the United Nations !  ……




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  •   这套练习册对英语自学者非常有帮助,学习课文后自我进行课后练习,然后对照此解析的答案,一目了然,并且分析了每一个备选答案对错的理由,拓展了知识面,加快了学习进度,加深了知识点的印象,值得收入一套!
  •   新概念系列是一套很好的英语教程,十几年来一直是经典,要好好学习啊,把练习册做好一定能学好英语
  •   书是跟教材一起买的,到时候一起看,通过新概念的一系列教材和练习册的学习,应该能把英语水平提上去的吧,哈哈 这次是一次性买了四本教材和练习册,觉得好便宜,比在书店里面买省了好多钱
  •   新概念很不错啊!教材,自学导读,练习册,练习详解,四册全买了。真的很好!
  •   新概念英语(4)(练习册),很好,实用.
  •   只学习,不练习是没有效果的,从某种程度上来说,练习应该比学习还重要,所以自学新概念英语以定要买来ka***n0~~~~~~~
  •   经典用书的练习,对巩固新概念英语知识很有帮助,练中学,学中练。
  •   很经典的一本书,这一次把四本教材外加练习册都买齐了,加油学英语哦,网上都有配套的音频,很好
  •   新概念真的太经典了,如果你想提升自己英语水平建议好好研习一下会受益匪浅
  •   新概念的书就是经典啊 好好利用对英语的提升很快
  •   很好的课后巩固练习册,题量不大,孩子不会厌烦,学完课文再做练习,花的时间不多,效果还不错
  •   学习英语的好资料,一直都是用的这套教程,这次准备考研了,准备重新开始背诵。
  •   英语的经典教材当然好了,快递也很给力
  •   经典教材,要配经典练习册!
  •   加油把四册都做完,教材和练习册都是在当当买的,很不错
  •   必备的练习册,巩固学习的知识.
  •   书是正品新书,非常不错,买的练习册,配套4买的,希望自己肯花时间去做。。。
  •   一口气把3、4及练习册都买了,以前买过练习册,看了课本做做习题对语法理解帮助不小
  •   学习英语的好帮手,全套买齐了,希望对孩子学习有帮助
  •   很好,对英语学习有帮助
  •   用来重拾英语,第一本看来有点简单了,但是用来复习很实用。
  •   新概念的书还是不错的,一次买齐了3,4两套,但是!不得不说的但是!这个分2个包裹发货,一个从福州,一个从广州,福州发货的,都收到了,广州发货的还在等待仓库配货?怎么回事啊
  •   新概念书是一如既往地经典啊~
  •   配合4一起用,希望英语能再接再厉
  •   要是早些年有这种点读书的技术,我英语也不会这么烂了。。
  •   价格公道,其实本人感觉是不错,学英语的利器
  •   为了学英语,提高听力,挺好的。
  •   书很好,学英语的不错选择!
  •   结合APP新概念应用,很ok!
  •   练习册可以称得上物美价廉。
  •   经典教材的配套练习。很好的一本书。
  •   给宝贝女儿买的,让她结合教材练习。
  •   和书一起买的配套练习
  •   还是难,得好好练习啊,加油
  •   练习必备,有益无害!
  •   性价比非常高的一本书,哪怕是英文专业的,都需要恶补一下的教材。个人非常推崇,虽然还未仔细使用,但已经列入今年的学习计划中。
  •   书本真心,很新的一本书很好用!
  •   经典学习教材。希望自己有毅力学好用好。
  •   不错的教材,有辅助作用
  •   经典教材,上课用
  •   内容相当相当相当经典
  •   非常喜欢,和课本配套有助学习
  •   很经典的书,包装也很好,值得学习!
  •   质量不错,很满意,学习中
  •   嗯 教材比较难 作为补充实在是非常合适啊
  •   速度快,质量好,品质优,性价比高,内容不错。
  •   这本书内容比较清晰易懂,个人觉得不错,你们认为呢?
  •   包装很好,里面的内容也很好,被推荐的,说里面的内容很纯正
  •   包装很不错,内容也很丰富!
  •   书的质量好,有使用价值.
  •   看看书,没有操练的地方,这本书可以达到目的。
  •   学习,用这书。不错
  •   老师要求购买,比书店便宜好多啊
  •   书很好,很实用,物美价廉,值得拥有。
  •   确实不错,很实用
  •   还可以经典还可以经典还可以经典
  •   书很经典,很好用。。。。
  •   还未做呢
  •   东西是不错,但是就是快递员让人有点无语啊~付钱之前不让查验书本就算了,我都付完钱了,想让他等我检查下书有没有问题后再走,他居然当没听到?!真是有够让人无语的!以前我在当当买书的时候,也是可以当面查验的啊!
  •   当当网的书灰常灰常好!!!
  •   开卷有益,很不错的读物。
  •   质量还不错,没细看,待学完了二三册再仔细阅读
  •   不错的书,学到很多东西,值得拥有
  •   。。。。。。。。。不错
  •   挺不错的吗,物流快!
  •   书很好,就是包装好烂,就一个塑料袋,结果把书刮到了。
  •   非常好,很满意!
  •   这个商品不错…挺简单的题
  •   正品,纸张质量很好!
  •   朗文出版社的书还是一如既往的优秀
  •   书当然挺好,只是那书皮折的,我只能剪掉了。
  •   很好的书,值得拥有!
  •   有利于写作的提高,试试8。
  •   这本书不错,畅销这么多年了,推荐购买
  •   书本挺好的,是否能用纸盒包装下,收到的时候书本都折起来了
  •   当当网真心不错。
  •   值得买来一练
  •   书的质量很好,挺喜欢,仔细去读读
  •   好书,纸张很好。
  •   应该还可以吧,虽然还没有用
  •   很好很不错很好很不错很好很不错很好很不错
  •   买了还没用上,感觉不错
  •   还没用,不过看起来就很好。
  •   老品牌,值得信认。
  •   还没有用,看起来不错
  •   纸质满意,有书香味!很满意
  •   都很好啊,不错不错。。。
  •   就看孩子怎么学了。
  •   书拿在手里感觉很舒服,希望对我有帮助。。。
  •   很喜欢,早就想买了~
  •   粗略看了,应该是不错的吧
  •   快递不给送货上门!还要请假下楼取东西!
  •   买的时候因为另一款没货了。为了凑单买了这款。里面的纸张比别的书都泛白一点。别的也没啥区别了。但就不晓得为啥子比另一款贵。
  •   印刷很好,纸质很好
  •   很赞的商品,以后学完会继续推荐给别人
  •   说多了都是泪。。。请加油吧 我!
  •   不错,虽然没有坚持看完。不过书的质量很哈珀
  •   好好学习 天天向上 好好学习 天天向上
  •   新概念英语,经典不用多说!
  •   不错的书,终身受益的书

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