出版时间:2003-12 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 作者:[英]Joy M.Reid 页数:273
Learning Styles in the ESL/EFL Classroom This comprehensive volume explores the widespread issues involved in the study of individual learner differences in a variety of settings. FEATURES * Contributions by such leading ESL researchers and practitioners as Bassano,and Christison,Carrell,Chappelle,Ely,Kinsella,Kroonenberg,Oxford and Ehrman,Reidetal,and Stebbins * Explores sensory,peceptual,field-(in)dependence,tolerance-of-ambiguity,gender differences,adult learners,and ESL vs. EFL situation learning styles * Practical classroom activities demonstrate how effective management of learning styles promotes successful language development * Ideal for courses in ESL methodology and classroom management,or for individuals interested in the application of learning styles in the ESL classroom * Learning-style instruments included.
王宗炎序沈家煊序导读PrefaceSection 1 Learning Styles:Issues and AnswersChapter 1 Cultural Differences in Learning Styles Gayle L.NelsonChapter 2 Difficulties with Cross-Cultural Learning-Styles Assessment Patricia A.EliasonChapter 3 Gender Differences in Language Learning Styles:What Do They Mean? Rebecca L.OxfordSection 2 Learning Styles,Curriculum Development,and Classroom ActivitiesSection 3 Learning-Styles Research and Classroom ImplicationsSection 4 Overview of Learning Styles in the ESL/EFL ClassroomAppendicesContributorsReferencesIndex文库索引