
出版时间:2001-1  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:(英)贝尔(Bell/R.T.)/王克非导读  页数:307  


since it was first established in the 1970s,theapplied linguestics and language atudy series bas become amajor force in the study of practical problems in hunman communication and language education.drawing extensively on empirical research and theoretical work in linguistics.sociology.psychology and education.the series expores key issues in language acquisition and language use.A feeling of unease presantly exists about the treatment of translation by translation theorists on the one hand and linguists on the other.translation theorists have made little systematic use of the techniques and insights of contemporry linguistics and linguists have been at best neutral to the theory of translation,this volume argues that the subjective evaluation of the product of translatingmust give way to a deseriptive and objective attempt to reveal the workings of the process without this shift,translation theory will continue to fall outside the mainstream of intellectual activity in the human seiences and fil to take its rightful place as a major field in applied linguisttics.roger bell is professor of linguistics and associate head of the school of languages at the polytechnic of central london.


王宗炎序沈家煊序导读AcknowledgmentsIntroductionPart1:MODELCHAPTER1 Perspectives on translationCHAPTER2 Translating;modelling the processPart2:MEANINGCHAPTER3 Word-and sentence-meaningCHAPTER4 Logic,grammar and rhetoricCHAPTER5 Text and discoursePart3:MEMORYCHAPTER6 Text processingCHAPTER7 Information,knowledge and memoryCHAPTER8 EnvoiAppendixBibliographyIndex文库索引




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