出版时间:2004-8 出版社:北京希望电脑公司 作者:胡荫桐,段晓英,张志华,郑华 页数:323
《美国文学新编》一书系根据我国高等院校英语专业高年级教学大纲编写而成的美国文学课教材,面向我国大量的英语专科毕业生,或具有英语大学专科程序、继而进行专升本学习的广大中学教师,以及社会上具有一定英语语言基础的美国文学爱好者。 在体例设计上,《美国文学新编》将介绍文学发展史与经典作品选读融为一体。以史带文,文史结合,二者相辅相成。简明扼要、重点突出是《美国文学新编》的编写原则;每章包括该时期的文学史,作家介绍,作品简介,代表作品选,注释,以及部分选文的评论六个部分。《美国文学新编》在编写过程中力求观点客观全面,论述深入浅出,注意吸收近年来国内外有关美国文学的研究成果,文字浅显流畅。
PART 1 THE EARLY AMERICANLITERATURE(1620-1770)Chapter ⅠThe Seventeenth Century Literature Puritanism in American LiteratureChapter Ⅱ The Eighteenth Century Literature Enlightenment in American Literature Benjamin Franklin Philip FreneauPART Ⅱ THE AGE OF ROMANTICISM(1770-1875) Chapter Ⅲ American Literature of Pre-Romanticism The Rise of Romanticism Washington Irving William Cullen Bryant Chapter Ⅳ American Literature of Post-Romanticism New England Transcendentalism Ralph Waldo Emerson Walt Whitman Nathaniel Hawthorne Henry Wadsworth Longfellos Edgar Allan Poe Harriet Beecher Stowe Emily DickinsonPART Ⅲ THE AGE OF REALISM AND NATURALISM (1875-1914) ChapterⅤ American Literature of the Mid and Latle Nineteenth Century Realism in Ameriac Mark Twain Chapter Ⅵ American Literature at the Turn of the Century Naturalim in America Stephen Crane Edwin Arilington Robinson Theodore DreiserPART Ⅵ THE TWENTIETH CENTURY Chapter Ⅶ American Literature between the Two World Wars American Modernism Ernest Hemingway Ezra Pound F.Scott Fitzgerald Robert Lee Frost William Faulkner Chapter Ⅷ American Literature Since 1945 American Post-Modernism