大学英语基础教程 第四册

出版时间:2001年10月1日  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:李桂兰  页数:123  


  《大学英语基础教程》是以教育部最新颁布的《大学英语教学大纲》为指导思想,在高校外语专业教学指导委员会的指导和帮助下编写的一套英语基础教材,主要供全国各高校入学时未学过英语的学生,特别是少数民族地区的学生使用,同时也适用于各专科学校以及自学者使用。本教材从零起点开始,学完后相当于大学二级水平。全套教材包括学生用课本四册以及教师手册和听力磁带。  本教材的编写原则是,从学生原来的英语基础出发,发挥少数民族学生学习语言的特点,以听、说领先,重视英语语言基础的训练,强调语言应用能力的培养。教材所选用的课文语言规范,内容新颖,题材广泛,文体多样,尽力将知识性、时代性、趣味性融于一体,把第二语言习得与扩大科学文化知识结合在一起。  语法简明扼要,讲求实用,寓语法于课文和补充阅读材料之中,两者相互配合,相得益彰。第一、二、三册后还附有详细的语法说明,供教师和学习者参考。  练习是本教材的重要组成部分,贯彻了“以练为主”和“以学生为中心”的原则,强调听、说、读、写、译全面发展,同时侧重听、说。练习形式活泼多样,注意充分调动学生的积极性,激发学生的学习兴趣和自觉参与意识,培养学生运用英语进行交际的能力。练习数量大,覆盖面宽,复现率高,有助于学生巩固与熟练所学知识,有助于把知识转化成技能。  补充阅读材料是与课文相配合的辅助读物,是对课文的补充,旨在帮助学生扩充词汇,扩大知识面,提高学生的自学能力。  《大学英语基础教程》注意从易到难、循序渐进的教学原则。四册教材在难度上稳步提升,尽量避免大起大落、难易失衡。四册教材互相关联,又可单独使用。各校可根据本校学生不同的入学水平,因材施教。  《大学英语基础教程》的编写经历了一段漫长艰苦的道路,真可谓“三易其稿”,“韦编三绝”。  1996年7月在广西南宁民族学院举行的全国民族院校(地区)英语教学研讨会上,许多代表们提出少数民族院校迫切需要编写一本适合少数民族地区学生特点和要求的英语教材。我们勇敢地接受了这一任务。经过整整一年的日夜奋战,我们在1997年7月完成了第一、二册的初稿,特请原国家教委高教司外语处岑建君处长、高校外语专业教学指导委员会委员、洛阳解放军外国语学院姚乃强教授对教材进行了初审,他们充分肯定了我们的工作,并对教材提出了许多宝贵意见。在以后两年中,我们一边继续编写与修订教材,一边在新疆、内蒙古等地一些院校进行试用,先后有1,500多名学生参加了试用。


  《大学英语基础教程4》是一套零起点的大学英语教材,适合全国各类高等院校中入不时未这过英语或英语基础薄弱的学生,特别是适合少数民族地区,边远地区或体育、艺术类院校的大学生使用。本教材根据新颁布的《大学英语教学大纲》的要求,在总结了作者多年的教学经验和大量调查研究的基础上编写而成。  教材以学生为中心开展课堂活动,能够充分调动学生的学习兴趣和参与意识。  教材强调交际能力的培养,融语言教学与文化教学为一体;语言教材的选择新颖、科学、趣味性强。  会话部分形式多样,帮助学生巩固和活用所学的语言材料。  语法知识简明扼要,讲求实用,与阅读材料紧密结合,相得益彰。  教材注重听说,体现了以学生为中心的活动教学法模式。  《大学英语基础教程4》的练习设计覆盖面广,语汇复现率高,注重对学生进行英语基础的训练,体现了本教材的特色。


Unit OnePredictingText:Personal QualitiesReading PracticeUnit TwoPredictingText:How Much Do You Know About The World?Unit ThreePredictingText:AIDS-Acquired Immue Deficiency SyndromeReading PracticeUnit FourPredictingText:Changing Attitudes to Lifelong EnploymentReading PracticeUnit FiveReading Practice (Unit 1-4)Unit SixPredictingText:Categories of TeachersReading PracticeUnit SevenPredictingText:The World BankReading PracticeUnit EightPredictingText:Videlo GamesReading PracticeUnit NinePredictingText:Love in BloomReading PracticeUnit TenReading Practice(Unit 6-9)Appendix 1:课文词汇表Appendix 1:课文词组表Appendix 1:阅读训练词汇及词组表


  1 ) There are lots of things in the world which are beyond explanation. Why dosome people have straight hair and some others have wavy and curly hair? Why areyour eyes blue and mine black? Why is my brother tall and slim while I am shortand stocky? It is genes that account for all this. No two persons in the world are thesame because everyone has a different comb(nation of genes. Our genes determineour shape and size, the color of our skin, eyes and hair, the shape of our face,nose, ears, teeth and mouth.  We all have two genes. We inherit one from our mother and another one fromour father. However, only one of them is dominant. We can pass either onto ourchildren. Look at this couple, for example. The man and the woman both carry agene for blue eyes and a gene for brown eyes, which they have inherited from theirparents, but they have both got brown eyes, because the brown gene is alwaysdominant.  2 ) In this ideal example, the couple have two sons and two daughters and eachone has received one of the four possible combinations of the parents genes. As wecan see, one of them is blue-eyed and the other three have got brown eyes, but threeof them carry a blue gene.  A gene can stay hidden in a family for generations. For example, the seconddaughter is married. Her husbands eyes are brown, but he also carries a blue gene.This couple have got four children and each child has a different combination of theparents genes. So one child has blue eyes, although her parents and grandparents allhave brown eyes.  Knowledge about genes has been used since the eighteenth century to improveplants and animals. Scientists and farmers select the best possible specimens tobreed from.  3) In this way they have been able to produce bigger fruit and veg-etables, animals that produce more meat, kinds of wheat or rice that are more re-sistant to disease, and so on, This is known as selective breeding.  Now scientists can actually identify the genes for particular characteristics.  In the new science of genetic engineering, genes can be removed, added orreplaced to produce the characteristics that we want. New and better plants andanimals will be produced. Will we be able to design the perfect human being, too?"Nobodys perfect"  we say. Perhaps one day everyone will be.



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