出版时间:2001-4-1 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 作者:梁燕 页数:257
本书专为所有使用《英语初阶》的学习者而设计,特别适用于自学者。 学生用书144课中的书面练习与答案,本书中均有充分叙述。此外还在相关必要之处添加了进一步的说明。 我们确信这些补充材料将使各种起点的学习者从中受益,并顺利学完本课程。
Lessons 1 ~ 2 Lessons 3~ 4 Lessons 5 ~ 6 Lessons 7 ~ 8 Lessons 9 ~ 10 Lessons 11~ 12 Lessons 13 ~ 14 Lessons 15 ~ 16 Lessons 17 ~ 18 Lessons 19 ~ 20 Lessons 21~ 22 Lessons 23 ~24 Lessons 25 ~ 26 Lessons 27 ~ 28 Lessons 29 ~ 30 Lessons 31 ~ 32 Lessons 33 ~ 34 Lessons 35 ~ 36 Lessons 37 ~ 38 Lessons 39 ~ 40 Lessons 41 ~ 42 Lessons 43 ~ 44 Lessons 45~ 46 Lessons 47 ~ 48 Lessons 49~ 50 Lessons 51 ~ 52 Lessons 53 ~ 54 Lessons 55 ~ 56 Lessons 57 ~ 58 Lessons 59~ 60 Lessons 61~ 62 Lessons 63 ~ 64 Lessons 65 ~ 66 Lessons 67 ~ 68 Lessons 69 ~ 70 Lessons 71~ 72 Key to the test
A Complete these sentences using He's,She's or It's,完成以下句子,用He's,She's 或It's 填空。 Example: Robert isn't a teacher._______an engineer. Robert isn't a teacher. He's an engineer. 1 Mr.Blake isn't a student.________a teacher. Mr.Blake isn't a student. He's a teacher. 2 This isn't my umberlla.________your umbrella. This isn't my umberlla. It's your umbrella. 3 Sophie isn't a teacher._________a keyboard operator. Sophie isn't a teacher. She's a keyboard operator. 4 Steven isn't cold.___________hot. Steven isn't cold. He's hot. 5 Naoko isn't Chinese._________Japanese. Naoko isn't Chinese. She's Japanese. 6 This isn't a German car.__________a Swedish car. This isn't a German car. It's a Swedish car. 注解: ·英语中be的一般现在时形式的缩略如下: I’m you're Tom's = he's B Answer these questions. 模仿例句回答以下问题。 Example: Will you go to Athens next week? (Beijing) No,I won't go to Athens next week.I'll go to Beijing. 1 Will Helen return to Geneva next year? (Bombay) No,Helen won't return to Geneva next yean. She'll return to Bombay. 2 Will you fly to London tomorrow? (Geneva) No,I won't fly to London tomorrow? I'll fly to Geneva. 3 Will you and Tom go to Madrid next year? (London) No,Tom and I wont' go to Madrid next year. We'll go to London. 4 Will Tom arrive from Moscow next month? (Madrid) No,Tom won't arrive From Moscow next month. He'll arreve from Madrid. 5 Will Carol and Helen stay in New York next month? (Moscow) No,Carol and Helen won't stay in New York next month. They'll stay in Moscow. A Complete these sentences using His, Her, Our or Their. 完成以下句子,用His,Her,Our或Their填空。 Example : Is this Tim's shirt? No, it's not. _______shirt is white. Is this Tim's shirt? No, it's not.His shirt is white. 1 Is this Nicola's coat? No, it's not._______coat is grey. Is this Nicola's coat? No, it's not.Hes coat is grey. 2 Are these your pens? No, they're not.________pens are blue. Are these your pens? No, they're not.Our pens are blue. 3 Is this Mr. Jackson's hat? No, it's not.________hat is black. Is this Mr. Jackson's hat? No, it's not.His hat is black. 4 Are these the children's books? No, they're not.________books are red. Are these the children's books? No, they're not.Theis books are red. 5 Is this Helen's dog? No, it's not._________dog is brown and white. Is this Helen's dog? No, it's not.Hes dog is brown and white. 6 Is this your father's tie?No,it's not._______tie is orange. Is this your father's tie?No,it's not.His tie is orange. 注解: ·请参见本书Lessons 11~12中对所有格形容词的说明。练习中的His、Her、Our和Their在此皆为所有格形容词,应放在名词之前,作定语修饰名词。 B Write questions and answers. 模仿例句写出相应的对话。 Example: bood/(this blue)/that red Give me a book please. Which one?This blue one? No,not this bule one.That ted one. Hese you are. Thank you. 1 cup/(this dirty)/that full Give me a book please. Which one?This blue one? No,not this bule one.That ted one. Hese you are. Thank you. 2 glass/(this empty)/that full Give me a book please. Which one?This blue one? No,not this bule one.That ted one. Hese you are. Thank you. Written exercises书面练习 A Complete these sentences using a or the. 完成以下句子,a或the填空。 Example: Give me________book. Which book?________book on the table. Give me a book. Which book?The book on the table. 1 Give me_______glass. Which glass?_______empty One. Give me a glass. Which glass?The empty One. 2 Give me some cups. Which cups?_______cups on the table. Give me some cups. Which cups?The cups on the table. 3 Is there_______book on________table? Yes, there is. Is______book red? Is there a book on the table? Yes, there is. Is the book red? 4 Is there_______knife in that box? Yes, there is. Is______knife sharp? Is there a knife in that box? Yes, there is. Is the knife sharp? B Write sentences using these words. 模仿例句写出相应的句子。 Example: refrigerator in the kitchen/white These's a isfrigesatos in the kitchen. The isfrigezatos is white. 1 cup on the table /large These's a cup on the table. The cup is clean. 2 box on the floor/large These's a box on the floon. The box is laige. 3 glass in the cupboard/empty These's glass in the cupboaid. The glass is empty. 4 knife on the plate/sharp These's a knife on the plate. The knife is shaip. 5 fork on the tin/dirty These's a fork on the tin. The fork is dirty. 6 bottle in the refrigerator/bull These's a bottle in the isfrigerator. The bottle is full. 7 pencil on the desk/blunt These's a pencil on the desk. The pencil is blunt. ……