
出版时间:2000-8-1  出版社:外语教研出版社  作者:Larry A.Samovar,Richard E.Porter,Lisa A.Stefani  页数:308  


From ideas and concepts to eccective
practice... your intercultural communication skills will grow
Effective intercultural communication begins with motivation,
knowledge, and a true appreciation of cultural diversity. This
pioneering best-seller supplies you with all three. Authors Larry
A. Samovar. Richard E.Porter-and new co-author Lisa
A.Stefani-translate communication ideas and concepts into effective
practices that guice you in improving your intercultural
communication skills and reaching your communication godls. Going
beyond traditional coverage. Communication Between Cultures focuses
on the deep structure of culture with special emphasis on religion,
family, and history, You'll explore how differences in perception,
world views, values, and verbal and nonwerbal messages all affect
communication. And you'll have the benefit of the book's many
current examples and concrete etrategies for improving you skills.
In this third edition, significant changes and added features
include: A new chapter devotedto the role of culture in health care
Even more material on how religion, family, and history affect
communication Expanded analysis of stereotyping,prejudice,
discrimination, and ethics that addresses the increase in racial
tension tension in the United States today A greater focus on the
role of co-cultures in North America New discussion of the many
ways that cultures are alike A new section on cultural adaptation
that addresses the increased migration occurring in recent


Preface by halliday
Part I communication and culture 1
Chapter 1 Intercultural communication in a changing world 2
Importance of intercultural communication
The quantity and quality of intercultural contacts
International contacts
Domestic contacts
Approaching intercultural communication
The content of intercultural communcation
Aphilosophy of intercultural communication
Studying intercultural communication
Preview of the book
Discussion ideas
Chapter 2 Communication and culture:the voice and the echo
Defining communication
Complexity of communication
Intentional and unintentional behavior
Components of communication
Characteristics of communication
No direct mind-to-mind contact
We can only infer
We seek to define the world
Part II The influence of culture
Part III From Theory to practice
Part IV Knowledge into action




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用户评论 (总计30条)


  •   跨文化交际,英文的,不错。
  •   经典的跨文化学课本,很有用,毕业论文帮了很多忙
  •   这两本书非常好,物流很快,服务很好
  •   还没用 看着质量都不错,印刷的不错
  •   对外汉语入门专业书之一,原版确实能学到更多
  •   全英文,感觉是个大工程,书的质量有待考察,纸张不是很好...
  •   考研用。
  •   老师的推荐下买的,希望有所帮助。
  •   两本书一起买的,速度非常快。书看着也很舒服。
  •   还行,老师是个外教,不怎么按照课文来讲
  •   感觉字体太小了,看得不是很舒服。
  •   你们太不靠谱了,太粗心,竟然把书弄错,要知道给买着带来多大的损失。。。。。。
  •   目前,这本书就只在亚马逊有卖,收到货,书很新,很好,是正版,如果你要考武汉大学 外国语言学及应用语言学专用(从属于英语专业考研范围),就必须要用的书。
  •   内容简单易懂,就是字太小啊,看一会儿就眼睛疼。但是,讲的很好~
  •   内容很系统,阅读起来完全不费劲,有助于考试,是本好书。
  •   书很新,是正品,包装保护的很好,快递速度也很快,服务态度好,我下次也会在这里买书的
  •   跨文化交际的圣经。
  •   一个字,好!两个字,很好!
  •   为了弥补一下上学时没有选到这门课的遗憾。这是我们的选修课课本哟。本人作为北外校友强烈推荐哦。如果你喜欢跨文化交际,或将来有志于从事文化交流工作。一定要看哦。外研社出版哦。绝对物超所值的好书。哈哈。
  •   《跨文化交际》这本书不错,是一系列书中的一本,很好
  •   书真的非常好 ,内容不错,纸质也不错
  •   不错啊 质量很好 老师要求买的课本。。。
  •   书收到了,内容很好,就是字太少了
  •   简明易懂很好。。。。。。。。
  •   不错,书很新! 对我很有帮助!
  •   包装很不错 纸质也不错 很好
  •   刚刚拿到书面就有一道很深的折痕。。。。好像不是新的诶
  •   英文版的 当初以为是教材才买的 后来又没有用 可惜了
  •   跨文化交际
  •   很喜欢,很新

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