
出版时间:2000-1  出版社:牛津大学出版社  作者:Anthony Woods  页数:327  


  This book demonstrates the contribution that statistics can and should make to linguistic studies.The range of work to which statistical analysis is applicable is vast:including,for example,language acquisition,language variation and many aspects of applied linguistics,The aubhors give a wide variety of linguixtic examples to demonstrate the use of statistics in summarising data in the most appropriate way,and then making helpful inferences form the processed information.  Students and resesarchers in many fields of linguistics will find this book an invaluable introduction to the use of statistics,and a practical text tor the development of skils in the application of statistics.


Preface by Halliday王宗炎序导读Preface  1 Why do linguists need statistics?  2 Tables and graphs2.1 Categorical data2.2 Numerical data2.3 Multi-Way tables2.4 Special cases    Summary    Exercises  3 Summary measures3.1 The median3.2 The arithmetic mean3.3 The mean and the median compared3.4 Means of proportions and percentages3.5 Variability or dispersion3.6 Central intervals3.7 The variance and the standard deviation3.8 Standardising test scores    Summary    Exercises  4 Statistical inference4.1 The problem4.2 Populations4.3 The theoretical solution4.4 The pragmatic solution    Summary    Exercises    ……  5 Probability  6 Modeling statistical populations  7 Estimating form samples  8 Testing hypotheses about population values  9 Testing the fit of models to data 10 Measuring the degree of interdependence between 11 Testing  for differences between two populations 12 Analysis of  variance-ANOVA 13 Linear regression 14 Searching for groups and clusters 15 Princial components analysis and factor andlysis




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用户评论 (总计4条)


  •   讲解也还算清晰明了,不过还是不如专业的统计学来得分明
  •   书本很厚,感觉很专业,就是看不太懂。
  •   书的内容挺不错,很适用。只是印刷有点差,纸色晦暗,纸质粗糙,印刷不太清晰,阅读起来很不舒服。特意看了一下印刷厂家,果不出所料,又是“北京市鑫霸印务有限公司”,唉!
  •   傳統的語言學只要總結歸納一些語言現象就可以,但現在新的趨勢則是要加入客觀、量化的統計,這本書能讓我們更系統地掌握語言研究的統計學,為進一步的語言學研究打好基礎,不錯!

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