
出版时间:2000-4  出版社:外语教研  作者:徐克容  页数:618  


  当您开始阅读本书时,人类已经迈入了21世纪。  这是一个变幻难测的世纪,这是一个催人奋进的时代,科学技术飞速发展,知识更替日新月异。希望、困惑、机遇、挑战,随时随地都有可能出现在每一个社会成员的生活之中。抓住机遇,寻求发展,迎接挑战,适应变化的制胜法宝就是学习——依靠自己学习,终生学习。  作为我国高等教育组成部分的自学考试,其职责就是在高等教育这个水平上倡导自学、鼓励自学、帮助自学、推动自学,为每一个自学者铺就成才之路,组织编写供读者学习的教材就是履行这个职责的重要环节。毫无疑问,这种教材应当适合自学,应当有利于学习者掌握、了解新知识、新信息,有利于学习者增强创新意识、培养实践能力、形成自学能力,也有利于学习者学以致用、解决实际工作中所遇到的问题。具有如此特点的书,我们虽然沿用了“教材”这个概念,但它与那种仅供教师讲、学生听,教师不讲、学生不懂,以“教”为中心的教科书相比,已经在内容安排、形式体例、行文风格等方面都大不相同了。希望读者对此有所了解,以便从一开始就树立起依靠自己学习的坚定信念,不断探索适合自己的学习方法,充分利用已有的知识基础和实际工作经验,最大限度地发挥自己的潜能达到学习的目标。  欢迎读者提出意见和建议。  祝每一位读者自学成功。


《综合英语》(二)是《综合英语》(一)的继续,其指导思想和编写原则与《综合英语》(一)的指导思想和编写原则一致。\n    本书在继续进行听、说、读、写、译的语言技能训练的同时,加强对应考者阅读和写作的训练;在继续丰富应考者的综合文化背景知识、提高他们自学能力的同时,提高他们的逻辑思维能力与分析理解能力,为他们参加工作或继续本科阶段的自学打好基础。\n    本书的编写原则与《综合英语》(一)一致,按照以课文为 心的教学方法编写而成,通过课文传授基础语言知识,围绕课文开展各项活动,遵照循序渐进的原


Lesson OneText Twelve Things I Wish They Taught at Schoo1Lesson TwoText IconsLesson ThreeText Go-Go AmericansLesson FourText "Take Over,Bosn!Lesson FiveText Are You Giving Your Kids Too Much?Lesson SixText Culture ShockLesson SevenText The Model Millionaire(I)Lesson EightText The Model Millionaire(II)Lesson NineText Only Three More DaysLesson TenText The WashwomanLesson ElevenText How I Served My ApprenticeshipLesson TwelveText A Friend of the EnvironmentLesson ThirteenText Who Shall Dwell?Lesson FourteenText Cipher in the SnowLesson FifteenText Bribery-An Inevitable Evil?Lesson SixteenText A Social EventVocabulary ListUseful ExpressionsWord Study


  5 Many apparently naive inquiries like why grass is green,or why the Sun is round,or why we need 55,000 nuclear weapons in the world——are really deep questions.The answers can be a gateway to real insights.It’s also important to know,as well as you can,what it is that you dont know,and asking questions is the way.To ask “stupid”questions requires courage on the part of the asker and knowledge and patience on the part of the answerer.And don’t con- fine vour learning to schoolwork.Discuss ideas in depth with friends. Its much braver to ask questions even when thereS a prospect of ridicule than to suppress your questions and become deadened to the world around you. Listen carefully.  6 Many conversations are a kind of competition that rarely leads to dis- caveI、on either side.When people are talking,don’t spend the time thinking about what you’re going to say next.Instead,ny to understand what they’re saying,what experience is behind their remarks,what you can kam from or about them.older people have grown up in a world very different from yours,one you may not know very well.They,and people from other parts of the country and from other nations,have important perspectiv~that can enrich your life.




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