出版时间:2000-4 出版社:外语教研 作者:徐克容 编 页数:634 字数:457000
《综合英语(二)自学考试大纲》是根据1995年修订的全国高等教育自学考试英语专业考试计划的要求编写的。2000年2月英语专业委员会召开审稿会议,对本大纲初稿进行了讨论定稿。 本大纲由北京外国语大学徐克容教授主编,参加编写任务的有陈亚平副教授和陈辉讲师。参加审稿会并提出意见的有北京外交学院潘绍中教授、首都师范大学刘北利教授、北京外国语大学梅仁毅教授、余志远教授和刘润清教授。 本大纲最后由英语专业委员会主任委员庄绎传教授审定。
Lesson One Text Courtesy:Key to a Happier WorldLesson Two Text The Man Who Could Work Miracles(I)Lesson Three Text The Man Who Could Work Miracles(II)Lesson Four Text Zero Hour:Forty-Three Seconds Over HiroshimaLesson Five Text First PrinciplesLesson Six Text The Beauty of BritainLesson Seven Text Some Meanings of Authentic LoveLesson Eight Text How I Designed an A-Bomb in My Junior Year at PrincetonLesson Nine Text Forty Years OnLesson Ten Text On FriendshipLesson Eleven Text Selling the Post(I)Lesson Twelve Text Selling the Post(II)Lesson Thirteen Text How to Grow OldLesson Fourteen Text The ListenerLesson Fifteen Text Edison:Inventor of InventionVocabulary ListUseful Expressions后记综合英语(二)自学考试大纲
3 Such complaints are not limited to people who sit in my study. Human beings everywhere hunger for courtesy.“G00d manners,” said Ralph Waldo Emerson,“are the happy way of doing things.” And the reverse is equally true.Bad manners can ruin fl day-一or wreck a friendship. 4 What are the basic ingredients of good manners?Certainly a strong sense of justice is one;courtesy is often nothing more than fl highly developed sense of fair play.A friend once told me of driving along a one.1ane.unpaved mountain road.Ahead was another car that produced clouds of choking dust,and it WaS a long way to the nearest paved highway.Suddenly,at a wider place,the car ahead pulled off the road.Thinking that its owner might have engine trou。 ble.my friend stopped and asked if anything was wrong.“No,”said the other driver.“But you’ve endured my dust this far;Ill put up with yours the rest of the way.”There was a man with manners, and an innate sense of fair play.