
出版时间:2000-6-1  出版社:牛津大学出版社,麦克米伦出版社  作者:Stuart C.Poole  页数:219  译者:刘润清  


《语言学入门》以通俗的英语向读者介绍了当代语言学所涉及的诸多领域和学科,包括语言的定义、词汇学、语义学、音位学、句法学、文体学等。This book introduces the nature of language. It deals with the sounds that we make when we speak, with the way in which we construct sentences, with the ways in which our speech varies between social situations, and so no. It does so by the commonly adopted method of having chapters with such headings as phonetics, syntax, social variation. Less conventionally, it has a major chapter which, againse the background of these aspects of linguistics, presents the principal features of the languages of western Europe. You have at least one remarkable skill; you can speak a language. For at least one language you generally know what can and what cannot be designated by the everyday words, you know what is and what is not an acceptable way of combining words to form a sentence, you have a good idea of whether or not a particular statement would be acceptable in a particular social situation. As a skilled user, then, you already have a substantial foundation for the study of language. That foundation and an interest in language are all you need; given those, this introductory book can lead you to an understanding of what language consists of ,of how it works. It serves as an introductory book for students of linguistics and as important background material for students of modern languages. Reflecting my work in continuing education, I have attempted to write in a readable style that will also made the book attractive to the many people who want to explore the fascinating world of language without entering full-time education. I would like to thank my wife Bery1 and a student, Arthur McIvor, for taking time to read and comment on my draft. I also thank Bery1 for her support and tolerance while I was working on the book. I also thank Arthur as a representative of those students whose interest and enthusiansm help to inspire and reward my work. The facilties of the University of Edinburgh such as the library and word-processing facilities have been of great assistance.


PrefacePreface by Halliday王宗炎序导读1 What Is language? 1.1 The Sinmificance of Language 1.2 What Is Language? 1.3 The Functions of language 1.4 What Is a language? 1.5 The Elements of language Summary Exercises2 Lexis 2.1 What Is a Word? 2.2 Where Do Words Come From? Summary Exercises 3 Sexia 3.1 The Function of lexemes 3.2 The meaning of meaning 3.3 Semantic Range 3.4 The Definition of Semantic Range 3.5 Collocation and Idiom 3.6 Homonyny and Idiom 3.7 The Human Element of Meaning 3.8 Pragmatics 3.9 Pragmatics Summary Exercises4 Phonetics 4.1 The Organs of Speech 4.2 Comsonants 4.3 Phonemic Notation 4.4 Vowels 4.5 Sounds in Sequence Summary Exercises5 Phonology 5.1 Sound Sydtens of Lanuages 5.2 The Phoneme 5.3 Phoniological Rules 5.4 The Phonology of English 5.5 The Phonoloty of Other languages 5.6 Supraesgmental Features Summary Exercises6 Morphology7 Syntax8 Tegional Variation9 Social Variation10 Historical Linguistics11 The Languages of Western Europe12 Writing SystemsGlossaryGuide to ExercisesBibliographyIndes文库索


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  •   这本书之所以交语言学入门,我想就是因为它的通俗易懂吧,感兴趣的都可以看看,很适合自学!外研社出的书质量果然有保证!
  •   语言学知识用例句论证解释,生动易懂,很好的语言学入门书……
  •   适合需要考英语专业语言学的研究生,超赞
  •   是学语言学的好资料。编排的很不错。
  •   老师推荐的语言学书目,很喜欢书设计的这种感觉
  •   很通俗的入门教程,每一章用一个幽默的问题引入话题,介绍术语的时候也是由例子引入的,同时经常设问有启发感。同时这还是很具有学术严谨性的,不可与那些不专业的通俗读物混为一谈。
  •   还不错的一本书,内容和语言研究差不多,但是确实是一本入门书,比较浅
  •   没认真看,买回来发现内容是英文的吓一跳……不过讲的很通俗易懂,很好。
  •   还没看完,但是感觉讲的很仔细,喜欢。。。。。。
  •   这个商品不错。东西很详实
  •   按质量挺好的,考研用
  •   这个商品不错,质量很好,必备
  •   书很好,是我们想要的那种,发货速度也很快,在首都就是好
  •   还行吧,就是纸张质量不是特别的好
  •   例子很生动,深入浅出。作为考研的参考书目来说,挺好用的,不错~~
  •   前面有导读
  •   书的印刷质量还好,只是排版本身行距太小,当然,无论是跟其他网上相比还是以书的厚度而论,都有点贵了
  •   正版 质量很好 内容还没看
  •   不错的一本书,是考研必看的书,语言学入门的学生可以选择看看,书比较好。
  •   这本是语言学入门要看的书,虽然是全英文的,但是基本还是能看懂的
  •   并不是直接翻译过来的译本,中文的部分只是对各章专题进行了简单介绍.很不错.
  •   快递太野蛮,把输磨损破了,这次物流速度倒是蛮快的
  •   没有仔细看,考研辅助用书,希望有所收获
  •   是我想要的那本,只不过书脊有点开裂...
  •   理解起来有难度,很枯燥,感觉内容逻辑性不强,也不够系统。虽说是入门,但是有些内容理解起来很费力。还有,老是一些实例或某些语言现象,并没有提出明确的观点,难道要我们自己去归纳总结吗?自我感觉这本书没有红色的《语言研究》编得好啊。不过我觉得最好的还是我们自己的教材,知识点归纳的很清晰,很系统较完善。从排版上讲,字体密密麻麻的,加上枯燥的说,看起来想睡觉啊。但没办法,还是得硬起头皮看。

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