
出版时间:2000-1-1  出版社:牛津大学出版社  作者:亚历山大  页数:245  


《新概念英语》是世界闻名的英语教程。但过去教师用书只有一、二两册。现出版的三、四两册是作者根据中国教师的实际需要而新编的。这套经典教材通过完整的英语学习体系,帮助学生掌握英语的4项基本技能——听、说、读、写,使学生能在学习中最大限度地发挥自己的潜能。    新版除保留原版的精华外,又增加了以下重要特色: 专为中国的英语学习人士而改编,根据中国读者的需要增添了词汇表、课文注释、练习讲解和课文的参考译文; 剔除了所有过时内容,其中过时的课文由新课文取代,并配以全新的练习和插图; 对原有教学法进行调整,更利于学生加强交际能力。 内容更简洁精练,取消过去单独出版的繁琐补充材料,将其精华纳入主要教材; 版面加大,方便翻阅;每课书相对独立,以利课堂教学。


L.G.Alexonder,世界著名的英语教学权威,曾任欧洲现代语言教学委员会理事,其著作为交际教学法奠定基础,其中一些如NCE和Follow Me已成经典教材。


General Introduction总体介绍Key to Pre-unit Test 1UNIT ONE  Lesson 1 A puma at large  Lesson 2 Thirteen equals one  Lesson 3 An unknown goddess  Lesson 4 The double life of Alfred Bloggs  Lesson 5 The facts  Lesson 6 Smash-and-grab  Lesson 7 Mutilated ladies  Lesson 8 A famous monastery  Lesson 9 Flying cats  Lesson 10 The loss of the Titanic  Lesson 11 Not guilty  Lesson 12 Life on a desert is land  Lesson 13 'It'only me'  Lesson 14 Anoble gangster  Lesson 15 Fifty pence worth of trouble  Lesson 16 Mary had a little lamb  Lesson 17 The longest suspension bridge in the world  Lesson 18 Electric currents in modern art  Lesson 19 Avery dear cat  Lesson 20 Pioneer pilotsKey to Pre-unit Test2UNIT TWOUNIT THREE


  Tell us about the journey from the time they came to the fissure  1 We pleaded — Bruce stopped  2 We examined fissure — he remained in car  3 Fissure — fifty yards long — two feet wide — four feet deep  4 Low gear — drove at speed — wheels astride crack — then back on plain  5 Bruce consulted map — village 15 miles away  6 Next obstacle — shallow pool water — half a mile across  7 Charged in — came to halt  8 Yellow light on dashboard no oil in engine Topics for discussion  1 Tell us about any journey that you have ever made in a car, jeep or lorry across country.  2 Do you know anyone like Bruce? Have you ever met anyone like Bruce? What is your opinion of people like Bruce?  3 Drivers should be obliged to re-take a test every five years. What do you think?    Listening comprehension  1 Introduce the story  T : Today well talk about pioneer pilots.  2 Understand the situation  T : What do you think is happening in the picture ?  3 Listening objective  T : Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and see ifyou can answer this question:  What was the name of the first plane to cross the English Channel?  4 Play the tape or read the story or wait for the students to finish reading silently  5 Answer the question  After the reading, ask the question again: What was the name of the first plane to cross the English  Channel?  Train the students not to shout out the answer. Instead, ask one student, then ask the others to agree or  disagree with a show of hands.  Answer: Number Eleven.  6 Intensive reading  Play the tape or read the text again, pausing after every sentence to check the students understand.  Obtain brief explanations to difficulties in the text from the students themselves. Only use Chinese if a con-  firmatory translation is necessary.  7 Play the tape or read the story again  8 Reading aloud  Ask one or two students to read the text aloud.  Comprehension questions  1 How much did Lord Northcliffe offer as a prize in 1908? (E1,000.)  2 What was the prize for? (The first man who would fly across the English Channel.)  3 How long did it take for anyone to attempt this? (Over a year.)  4 Who made this attempt on July 19th, 19097 (Hubert Latham.)  5 What was Hubert Lathams plane called? (Antoinette Four. or Antoinette the Fourth.)  6 Why was he forced to land on the sea? (Because his engine failed.)  7 How many miles across the Channel had he travelled? (Seven.)  8 How was Latham rescued? (By a ship.)  9 Who arrived near Calais two days later? (Louis Bleriot.)  10 Since when had Bleriot been making planes? (Since 1905.)  11 What had Bleriot done a week before? (He had completed a successful overland flight of 26 miles.)  12 Who else arrived in Calais on the same day? (Latham.)  13 What was he flying? (A new Antoinette.)  14 Why wasnt there an exciting race on July 25th? (Latham failed to get up early enough.)  15 What time did Bieriot make a short test flight? (At 4.15 a.m.)  16 When did he start the flight across the Channel? (Half an hour later.)  17 How long did the crossing take? (Thirty-seven minutes.)  18 Where did Bleriot land? (Near Dover.)  19 Who was the first person to greet him? (A local policeman.)  20 Did Latham succeed in crossing the Channel a week later? (No, he didnt.)    Listening comprehension  1 Introduce the story  T : Today well talk about a ghost.  2 Understand the situation  T : What do you think is happening in the picture ?  3 Listening objective  T : Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and see ifyou can answer this question:  Why did the two brothers keep the secret?  4 Play the tape or read the story or wait for the students to finish reading silently  5 Answer the question  After the reading, ask the question again: Why d/d the two brothers keep the secret?  Train the students not to shout out the answer. Instead, ask one student, then ask the others to agree or  disagree with a show of hands.  Answer: Because they thought it was their duty (to go on protecting him).  6 Intensive reading  Play the tape or read the text again, pausing after every sentence to check students understand. Obtain  brief explanations to difficulties in the text from the students themselves. Only use Chinese if a confirma-  tory translation is necessary.  7 Play the tape or read the story again  8 Reading aloud  Ask one or two students to read the text aloud.  Comprehension questions  1 What did villagers believe about Endley Farm? (They believed it was haunted.)  2 Who was the farm owned by? (Two brothers, Joe and Bob Cox.)  3 Were farmhands willing to work there for very long? (No, they werent.)  4 What did farm labourers find in the morning? (That work had been done overnight.)  5 What kinds of jobs had been done? (Hay had been cut and cowsheds had been cleaned.)  6 One worker stayed up all night. What did he claim to have seen? (A figure cutting corn in the moonlight.)  7 Did anyone suspect that there was someone else on the farm? (No, they didnt.)  8 When did villagers learn that the ghost of Endley had died? (A short time ago.)  9 Who was the ghost that had died? (Eric Cox.)  10 And who was Eric Cox? (The third Cox brother who was supposed to have died as a young man.)  11 How long had the brothers kept the secret? (For over fifty years.)  12 Had Eric been the youngest or the eldest son? (The eldest.)  13 When had he joined the army? (During the Second World War.)  14 Why did he desert his regiment? (Because he hated army life.)  15 Who hid Eric until the end of the war? (His father.)  16 Did Eric remain in hiding after the war? (Yes, he did.)  17 What did his father tell everybody? (That Eric had been killed in action.)  I8 Who else knew the secret? (The two brothers, Joe and Bob.)  19 Did they keep their brother in hiding? (Yes, they did.)  20 How had Eric lived all these years? (As a recluse.)  21 Did he use to sleep during the day? (Yes, he did.)  22 Was he aware that he had become the ghost of Endley? (No, he wasnt.)    Listening comprehension  1 Introduce the story  T : Today well talk about caving (orpot-holing).  2 Understand the situation  T : What do you think is happening in the picture ?  3 Listening objective  T : Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and see ifyou can answer this question:  With what does the writer compare the Gouffre Berger?  4 Play the tape or read the story or wait for the students to finish reading silently  5 Answer the question  After the reading, ask the question again: With what does the writer compare the Gouffre Berger?  Train the students not to shout out the answer. Instead, ask one student, then ask the others to agree or  disagree with a show of hands.  Answer: He compares it with Mount Everest for climbers.fit is the pot-holers Everest.  6 Intensive reading  Play the tape or read the text again, pausing after every sentence to check students understand. Obtain  brief explanations to difficulties in the text from the students themselves. Only use Chinese if a confirma-  tory translation is necessary.  7 Play the tape or read the story again  8 Reading aloud  Ask one or two students to read the text aloud.  Comprehension questions  1 Is pot-holing an old sport or a relatively new sport? (A relatively new sport.)  2 Is it possible to give a satisfactory explanation for a pot-holers motives? (No, it isnt.)  3 What kind of fascination do caves and mountains have for pot-holers and climbers? (A peculiar fascina-  tion.)  4 What does the exploration of really deep caves require? (Precise planning and the foresight of military  operations.)  5 How long can it take to prepare for a descent into a very deep cave? (Eight days.)  6 What is the Gouffre Berger? (It is the deepest known cave in the world.)  7 Where is the entrance to the cave? (On a plateau in the Dauphin6 Alps.)  8 Who discovered the cave? (The distinguished French pot-holer, Berger.)  9 Has all of the cave been explored? (No, it hasnt. [Much of it still remains to be explored.])  10 The pot-holers climbed down the steep sides of the cave. What did they come to? (A narrow corridor.)  11 And where did that lead them? (To a waterfall.)  12 What did it fall into? (An underground lake at the bottom of the cave.)  13 Where did they load their gear? (On an inflatable rubber dinghy.)  14 How did they protect themselves from the icy water? (They wore special rubber suits.)  15 What was the booming sound caused by? (A small waterspout shooting down from the roof of the  cave.)  16 The pot-holers arrived at an enormous cavern. How big was it? (The size of/As big as a huge concert  hall.)  17 How high were some of the stalagmites? (Over forty feet high.)  18 What did they rise up to meet? (Stalactites suspended from the roof.)  19 What was the only sound that could be heard? (Dripping water [from the high dome].)






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  •   教参比较注重应用能力,有助于老师备课,设计课堂活动。如果是自学,建议买自学讲解那本,自学讲解的那本主要有课文语言点的讲解。如果是授课老师,建议这本教参和自学讲解都需要参考:)
  •   比一册和二册的教师用书有用
  •   帮助学习相应的学生用书
  •   新概念这套教材一直在让孩子学,很不错。
  •   只是教师用书,个人感觉不错
  •   新概念是很好的书,一直极端推崇
  •   新概念的系列从基础到深入不错的书籍
  •   本书有与学生用书配套的答案且可以与学生用书一起在自学
  •   挺好的,一直用新概念
  •   新概念是好书啊
  •   正在自学教材,配合使用可以更好理解学习的重点
  •   里面写的课堂 组织方法对于我们中国老师来说,还是太活跃了,而且像句子分析这样的内容不多。
  •   还没读,大学时早有耳闻,可惜没看,现在重新买来,一定要好好利用。
  •   本地没有,但又是必备。原版教材,值得拥有。
  •   备课时可以参照他的思路,至于对于学生自习,除了里面的答案就不是很有价值了。
  •   帮学生买
  •   数的质量很好,很满意,对于学习有帮助
  •   书的指导思想还行
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  •   教学很好用,物流也挺快,质量也很好
  •   众人皆知的经典之作,很有用。就是没有磁带或者mp3的音频资料,可惜了
  •   很有用的一本书,配合教材看,很受益
  •   内容丰富,配适合初中生自学。
  •   名不虚传,确实不错。正在学习中。
  •   配套参考书,实用,有帮助
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  •   总结完善,学习好助手
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  •   书对孩子来说听及时的。
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  •   刚刚收到还没读
  •   正品 实用
  •   很实用。质量很好
  •   非常实用。好。
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  •   很棒,书很好,还很优惠,赞个!
  •   书是正版,很好的书
  •   书及时收到了,非常干净,还未来得及看。谢了!
  •   没有仔细看,书买错了。。。
  •   孩子用这本书自习,很好。
  •   很管用的一本书.
  •   本书是老师介绍的,一定完成
  •   自学的话,这本书基本没用处。
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  •   不错,下次再来!继续!!!
  •   实用,好用。
  •   自学很适合看
  •   只有答案。
  •   英语学习者的首选
  •   这本书是值得购买的
  •   印刷各方面还是可以的
  •   估计学完三册。都成同声传译了。好东东

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