出版时间:1997-8 出版社:外研社 作者:顾曰国 编 页数:393
本教程是北京外国语大学应用英语学院同英国文化委员会(British Council)合作,经过7年编写、3年试用而推出的一套高级英语自学教程。“高级英语自学系列教程”足为具有中级英语水平的英语爱好者专门设计的,对已经学过两年英语或已经取得大学英语4级证书的读者尤为适用。本教程以语言、文化和情景为主线,融听、说、读、写、译5项技能于一体,通过各种学习任务使学习者获得用英语进行实际交流的能力。 本教程的特点是适用于自学,每项学习任务都有反馈和参考答案。其中的3本《成功指南》则是为学习者提高自身的素质,如自主学习能力、良好的学习习惯和技巧等而专门设计的。
顾曰国,英国兰开斯特大学语言学系优等硕士,博士,师从Geoffrey Leech院士,现任中国社会科学院语言研究所研究员,当代语言学研究室主任,博士生导师,北京外国语大学校长助理兼应用英语学院院长。主要研究兴趣包括语用学,话语分析,修辞学和语言哲学。在国际学术刊物上已
1 Language and Culture in Communication2 Culture Shock3 What’S in a Name?4 SocialInteraction5 Roles and Relations6 Non.verbaI Communication7 In Other Words8 From a Primitive Tribe to a Global VillageAppendix:Glossary
插图:Can you make sense of this picture?This is one of the oldest picture writings in the world.The pictures were scratched or painted on birch bark or animal skins,and could be used for communication between people who spoke different languages.The picture was a notice left on a tree by scouts of the Micmac tribe,which was at War with the Passamaquoddy tribe.It is a warning.means that ten Passamaquoddy Indians have been seen in canoes on the lake,going towards its outlet.The ten marks to the left ofthe canoe indicate the number of enemy seen. The fact that they are enemy is shown by the fish which the canoe is following; this is meant to be a pollock,which is the tribal emblem ofthe Passamaquoddy.The rest of the picture is a map,with an arrow on the lake showing the direction in which the ten Passamaquoddy have been seen moving.Tribesmen,like the Micmac tribe,sought various means by which to record thoughts.They drew and painted on cave walls to convey messages;they used signs and symbols to designate tribe or ownership.Do you know how our Chinese ancestors recorded their language in the old days?In dawenkou culture (大汶口文化,about 4494 BC-2690 BC),the unearthed pottery had a variety of symbols on it.This is considered as the earliest form of writing in Chinese civilisation.It is however not the origin ofthe characters(方块字)we use today.I assume that you know something or have heard about oracle bone inscriptions (甲骨文).Table 1 on the next page shows you the evolution of Chinese writing from oracle bone inscriptions to present-day characters.