
出版时间:1996-10  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:胡文仲,张盛龙,平洪,吴祯福,林克美(编)  页数:534  字数:338000  


在360课时内学完60课,掌握英语的基本语音、语法知识,学会3000个词汇,在听说读方面打下一个良好的基础。    特点:    简化语音语法理论,突出特点    使用计算机软件精选词汇    课文简短实用,介绍英语国家现状    加强口语训练,重视语言交际既可用作培训,又有利于自学




Lesson One  Text:Putting your Feet UpLesson Two  Text:So Elizabeth Came to EnglandLesson Three  Text:Moraji's American AdventureLesson Four  Text:American ProverbsLesson Five  Text:A Special Way of Life Lesson Six  Text:Dave and Mags at the MarlboroughLesson Seven  Text:Secondary Schools in BritainLesson Eight  Text:A Special ClinicLesson Nine  Text:The Unwelcome VisitorLesson Ten  Text:Beach PartyLesson Eleven  Text:New Careers for ActorsLesson Twelve  Text:The Tube and ViolenceLesson Thirteen  Text:No Place Like Home Lesson Fourteen  Text: Growing Things Lesson Fifteen  Text:How to Behave at Parties Lesson Sixteen  Text:Everyday Eating in BritainLesson Seventeen  Text:A Ntion of DrinkersLesson Einghteen  Text:Shopping in BritainLesson Nineteen  Text:The Ways and Means of Long-Distance MarriagesLesson Twenty  Text:“We're not the same.”Lesson Twenty-one  Text:A Man and  His Dog Lesson Twenty-two  Text:When You Are with AmericansLesson Twenty-three  Text:The Crane Girl(1)Lesson Twenty-four  Text:The Crane Girl(2)Lesson Twenty-five  Text:The Simple Life:A Fine Dinner,a Drink and jailLesson Twenty-six  Text:A Small Boy's Mother(1)Lesson Twenty-seven  Text:A Small Boy's Mother(2)Lesson Twenty-enghe  Text:The Bed Quilt(1)Lesson Twenty-nine  Text:The Bed Quilt(2)Lesson Thirty:  Text:Yorky附录一:上、下册总词汇表附录二:Text参考译文附录三:自学指导(1-13)



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  •   下单后缺货但是没有提醒擅自改了订单就少发两本过来,没有通知没有处理就是让自己再重新拍,很糟糕的一次经历。

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