
出版时间:1982-3  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:W.M.Thackeray  页数:350  译者:孙静渊  


  《名利场》围绕两个女主人公的一生,构成小说情节的两条主线:一是爱米丽亚·赛德里,她是一个纯洁、天真、温顺、讲道德的女子,但头脑简单,缺乏知人之明。一是丽蓓卡·夏普,她是一个聪明机智,但虚荣心极重的女子,为了获得财富力图在上流社会占一席地位,自私自利,不择手续。萨克雷成功地塑造了这个女冒险家的形象。作品通过对这两个女子命运的描述,展现出一个唯利是图,唯势是趋的贵族资产阶级上层社会图景,也通过克劳莱爵士和斯丹恩勋爵两个贵族世家,奥斯本和赛德里两个资产阶级家庭中争名逐利的形形色色的人物,抨击了荒淫无耻、卑鄙龌龊的封建贵族和趋炎附势、冷酷无情的资产阶级。 恩格斯一八五九年五月十八日致拉萨尔的信中,认为萨克雷的小说是他正在读的“几本较好的英国小说”之一,“有其不可辩驳的文学和文化历史的意义”。 这个简写本保留了原著的主要内容,文字浅易流畅,可供具有中等水平的英语学习者阅读。






  And to her employer the little governess made herself agreeable and useful in many different ways.She played cards with him in the evening.She read over, with untiring patience,all his law papers.She offered to copy out many of his letters for him.She became interested in all the details of his property,the farm,the  park,the garden,and the horses.So delightful a companion was she,that the bartonet Would seldom tate his walk after breakfast without her—and the children,of course—When she Would giVe her advice as to the trees which should be cut down,the crops that were to be gathered,the horse that were to go to cart or plough.Before she had been a year at Queens Crawley,she had quite won the confidence of Sir Pitt;and the conversa tion at the dinner-table was now almost always tween the baronet and Miss Sharp.She was almost mistress of the place,but behaved with such care and modesty as not to offend any of the servants,indoor or utdoor.    这位小巧的家庭教师不仅使她的主人感到惬意,而且在许多别的方面为他效劳。她晚上陪他玩纸牌。她孜孜不倦地、耐心地把他所有的诉讼案卷都通读一遍。地主动帮他抄写许多信件。她对主人家产业的详情,对农场、园林、花园、马房都深感兴趣。从男爵觉得她是一个可爱的伴侣,早餐以后出去散步很少不带她的——当然还带着两个孩子——这时她就出主意,比如树该砍了,庄稼该收割了,马该套车还是该耕地什么的。她到女王的克劳莱还不到一年,就得到皮特爵士的信任。在吃饭的时候,现在几乎只有从男爵和夏普小姐两个人说话。她差不多就是这里的主妇,但行为举止仍十分谦虚谨慎,留心不冒犯室内室外任何一个佣人。    Madam,  After her six years stay under my care, I have the honour and happiness of presenting Miss Amelia6 Sedley to her parents as a young lady worthy of occupying a Positifon in well-bred society.  Her good work and obedience have pleased her teachers, and her delightful sweetness of temper has charmed all her companions.  In music, dancing, speUmg, and every kind of needlework she has made excellent progress. In geography there is still much to be desired. In the Principles of  religion and right conduct, Miss Sedley Will be found worthy of the good name of Minerva House.  In leaving Minerva House, Miss Amelia carries with her the hearts of her companions.and the affectionate Wishes ofher headmistress, who has the honour to  sign herself,  Yours faithfully,  Barbarat Pirikerton.  P. S. Miss SharP! accompanies Miss Sedtey. It is particularly requested that Miss Sharps stay may not exceed ten days. The family of noble rank which is em-  ploying her desires to make use of her services as soon as possible.    夫人:  爱米丽亚·赛德里小姐在我校修业六年,现已成为在上流社会中占有堪与其身分相称地位之年轻;女士,在返回双亲府邸之时,我深感荣幸和欣喜。  她学业优良,性情和顺,博碍师长们的赞许;她温存妩媚,和蔼可亲,深受全体同学们的喜爱。  她在音乐、舞蹈、拼法和刺绣缝纫等方面,卓有进步,但在地理知识方面尚多欠缺,有待提高。赛德里小姐对宗教教义见解正确,品行端庄,举止稳重,不愧为负有令名的密涅瓦学堂的学生。  在爱米丽亚姐离开密涅瓦学堂之际,同窗留恋的心情,校长深切的期望,也将随之而去。我十分荣幸能签署这封信。  您忠实的  巴巴拉·平克顿  附言:  夏普小姐陪同赛德里小姐来府。夏普小姐在府上逗留时间希勿超过十天。她巳受雇于显贵世家,希望她尽早开始工作。    When the Sedley parents returned from their din-ner-party, they found the people so busy talking that they had not heard the arrival of the carriage.  Joseph was in the act of saying, "My dear Miss Sharp, one little teaspoonful of cream to strengthen you after your immense-your delightful labours."  "Well done, Jos!" cried Mr. Sedley. Jos immedi-ately sank into an alarmed silence, and quickly took his departure.  He did not !ic awake all night thinking whether or not he was in love with Miss Sharp. Love did not inter-fere with the appetite or the sleep of Mr. Joseph Sed-ley. But he thought to himself how delightful it would be to hear those songs again what a remarkable girl she Was--how well she could speak French how she  would be admired at the balls in India. And with these thoughts he fell asleep.  How Miss Sharp lay awake, thinking, "Will he come or not tomorrow?" need not be told here. Tomor- row came, and sure enough, Mr. Joseph Sedley made his appearance before lunch, a thing that had never happened before. How her heart beat as Joseph came breathless up the stairs in shining boots, and a new waistcoat, red with heat and nervousness, and blushing behind his neckcloth.    赛德里夫妇吃过晚饭回来,看见年轻人正聊得起劲,连他们马车到来的响声都没有听到。约瑟夫正在说:“亲爱的夏普小姐,吃一茶匙奶油吧,刚才那么费力地,——那么令人高兴地唱完了歌,应该补补气。”  “说得好哇!约瑟!”赛德里先生这一喊,马上慌得约瑟夫不再说话,不久就溜掉了。  当晚他并来通宵不寐地考虑自己是否爱上了夏普小姐。爱情并没有影响他的胃口和睡眠。不过他想到,如果他再能听听那些歌儿该多么愉快,她是个多么出色的姑娘,她的法语讲得多么好;她在印度的跳舞会上准会叫人羡慕赞美。他想着想着,就睡着了。  至于夏普小姐怎样躺在床上睁着眼睛想:“不知他明天来不来?”在这里就不必多说了。第二天,约瑟夫·赛德里先生在午饭前就来到了,这是以前从来没有过的事。约瑟夫气喘吁吁上楼的时候,丽蓓卡的心怦怦直眺。他穿着发亮的靴子,新的背心,又热又紧张,满面通红,羞怯地把脸藏在领饰里面。    We must now take leave of the country, and travel back to London to see what has happened to Amelia.  George Osborne had two large sisters, who were looked after by their governess. There was no point on which they agreed so well as in their low opinion of Miss Sedleys intelligence, and their wonder that their brother could find any charm in her.  Amelia passed long, dull mornings in their comPa-ny, and tried to like them, as sisters of her future hus-band. But in their solemn presence the poor girl became so nervous that she was perfectly dumb. and to all out-ward appearances as stupid as they thought her to be.  How was this? Why was it that Amelia, who had so many friends at school, should come out into theworld to be disliked by other females? The answer is:there were no men at Miss Pinkertons for the girls to quarrel about.  When George. their handsome brother, disap-peared directly after breakfast, and was seldom home to dinner, no wonder the neglected sisters felt a little an-  noyed. When the young man who had been paying at-tention to Miss Maria Osborne, 42 actually asked prettyAmelia to dance with him, could you expect Maria to be pleased?  So frequently did his sisters repeat their belief that George was making a sacrifice and throwing himself away on Amelia, that he began rather to admire him-  self. And somehow, although he left home every morn-ing as was stated, and dined out most days of the week, as time went on, he was not always with Amelia. On more than one occasion, when Captain Dobbin called at Mr. Sedleys house on the pretence of seeing George, of course  George was not there l only little Amelia, with a sad face, seated near the drawing-room window.    我们现在该离开乡下,回到伦敦,看看爱米丽亚的情况了。  乔治·奥斯本有两个身材高大的姐姐,由家庭女教师照顾着。她们俩在说起赛德里小姐的时候,都认为帅缺乏聪明才智,意见再没有这样一致的了,不知道自己的弟弟觉得她哪点儿可爱。  爱米丽亚往往陪着她们度过漫长而无聊的上午。因为她们是未来丈夫的姐姐,就努力让自己去喜欢她们。看见她们那种千本正经的样子,这可怜的姑娘就紧张得说不出话来。她表面上那副傻样儿跟姐妹俩对她的看法一模一样。  这是怎么一回事呢?爱米丽亚在学校里朋友那么多,为什么出来后,在社会上却叫别的女子讨厌呢?答案是:在乎克顿小姐的学校里,姑娘会为之吵架的男人一个也没有。  她们俩的·漂亮弟弟乔治吃完早饭马上就不见了,中午晚上很少在家吃饭,难怪姐妹俩觉得受了怠慢,心里不痛快。还有一个年轻人,本来一直在向玛丽亚·奥斯本小姐献殷勤,竟然请美丽的爱米丽亚跳舞,你想玛丽亚还会高兴吗?  姐妹俩常常说,她们认为乔治要娶爱米丽亚那是屈配了,作了牺牲,说得多了,乔治也有点自我欣赏起来。虽然刚才说过了,尽管每天早上乔治离家外出,而且一星期多数日子在外头吃饭,不知怎么的,随着时间的推移,他并不老和爱米丽亚在一起。有好几次,多宾上尉到赛德里先生家来——当然以找乔治为借口罗——乔治不在,只有小爱米丽亚闷闷不乐地坐在客厅  窗口。    Although the Rawdon Crawleys were staying in a few yards of Miss Crawleys lodgings at Brighton, Mrs. Bute had taken good care that they got no chance to see her sister-in-taw. She had become the ruler of the household, and the old lady was entirely under her orders. Night and morning she brought the horrible medicines sent by the doctor. She measured out the food and wine allowed to the patient. If ever Miss Crawley faintly resisted, and begged fora little more dinner, or a drop less medicine, her nurse threat-ened her with sudden death. She had got as far as plan- ning to dismiss Miss Briggs arid the ladys maid and send for her own daughters, when a most unfortunate accident called her away. Her husband, riding home at night, fell and broke his collar-bone. Mrs. Bute was forced to return to Hampshire.  There wasa sense of relief in Miss Crawleys lodg-ings. That very day the invalid left off her afternoon medicine; that night she and Miss Briggs had a happy game of cards.  The news reached Becky through Rawdons man-servants, who had kept up friendly relations with Miss Crawleys servants, on the same day that Dobbin came from town. The Crawleys did not, therefore, leave Brighton with their friends.    在布赖顿的时候,虽然罗登·克劳莱住的旅馆离克劳莱小姐的住所只有几箭之地,但布特太太却看得很紧,不让他们和自己的大姑子见面。她成了这一家的统治者,者小姐完全听她的摆布。晚上和早上,她把医生开的难吃的药端给克劳莱小姐,病人吃的饭菜、喝的酒,都由她称好分量。如果克劳莱小姐稍有异议,要求多吃一点饭莱,或少喝一点药,这位看护就吓唬她,说她马上就要死掉.她甚至打算把布里格斯小姐和克劳莱小姐的贴身女佣人辞退,把自己的女儿们叫来。这时,出了一件很不幸的意外事故,要她回去。原来她丈夫夜间骑马回来,摔下来把锁骨跌断了,布特太太只好回汉普夏郡去。  克劳莱小姐家里人人都松了一口气。病人当天下午就少吃一次药;晚上又和布里格斯小姐高高兴兴地玩了一会儿牌。  罗登的男佣人和克劳莱小姐的佣人们的关系很好,在多宾从伦敦来的那一天,他就把消息转告了蓓基。因此克劳莱夫妇。没有和他们的朋友一同离开布赖顿。  ……






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