
出版时间:1993-08  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:许国璋(主编)  页数:219  字数:305000  




Lesson 1 Street Scene in an English Town Lesson 2 Walton Street's Other SideLesson 3 Walton Street Department StoreLesson 4 People and HousesLesson 5 Mr Jackson's FlatLesson 6 The Jacksons Dine Out Lesson 7 A Look at London Lesson 8 Opening the AtlanticLesson 9 The Mediterranean Lesson 10 Crossing the PacificLesson 11 ChinaLesson 12 Not Built in One Day Lesson 13 Washington D.C.Lesson 14 ParisLesson 15 Venice Is SinkingLesson 16 The Leaning Tower Of Pisa


  Here we have a picture.It takes us to a street in an English town.Lets study the picture,and develop an essay out of it.  This is Walton Street. On the left-hand corner we see a road map.It gives you some idea of the towns size. Its neither very big,nor very small. It isnt a one-street town. It is medium size.  Then we see three shops in a row, a fashion shop with large windows,and a bookshop and a hat shop.The last two seem to share a shop front.  On the pavement are people who seem to have done their shopping and are heading for home.  In the foreground is a motorcycle with a young man taking his girlfriend out for a ride. Both have their helmets on .COULD THEY BE IN FOR SOME RECKLESS DRIVING? But why bother?


  “学英语好难呀!”“单词,语法烦都烦死了。”现在好了有了《新编许国璋英语》,不怕你学不好英语。单词、语法too easy。本书是《许国璋英语》的姐妹篇,但它内容更丰富、文章更具有时代性。是一本不可多得的英语学习教材。




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