
出版时间:1988-12  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:孔蕴华 编  页数:149  


  《大学英语阅读教程》一、二册(College Reading Book 1,Book 2)是为我国大学英语专业一年级学生编写的阅读课教材,其目的在于(1)训练阅读技能,提高学生用英语阅读的能力;(2)强化语言学习过程,提高学生运用英语的能力;(3)提高学生的分析问题和解决问题的能力。  编写《大学英语基础教程2》时,我们首先考虑的是大学英语专业一年级的课程设置和阅读课在整个课程设置中的位置。目前,学生入学时已具备一定的英语水平,但听、说、读、写各种能力发展不平衡,总的情况为阅读能力遥遥领先,而且听、说、读、写各项技能的训练特点不尽相同,口头语言和书面语言之间又存在差异,因此,我们认为有必要分别开设听力、口语、阅读、笔译等课程,在进行分课教学时,贯彻“分工不分家”的原则,即各课在着重训练一种技能的同时,尽量兼顾其他三种技能的训练项目。阅读课的主旨是帮助学生提高阅读能力,除此之外,必须兼顾听、说、和写等各项技能的发展及运用语言能力的提高。


TEXT AUnit 1 InvitationsUnit 2 Table of Contents and IndexUnit 3 Discovering the Main IdeasUnit 4 Newspaper HeadinesUnit 5 Reading for Specific InformationUnit 6 MapsUnit 7 Tables and ChartsUnit 8 Discovering the AuthorsIntentionsUnit 9 BlurbsUnit 10 Business LeffersUnit 11 Understanding Relations Between Parts of a TextUnit 12 Distinguishing the Main Idea from Supporting DeatilsUnit 13 Discovering the Organization of a TextUnit 14 InferencingUnit 15 Predicting,Anticipating,and InferencingTEXT BUnit 1 Alfred Nobel-A Man of ContrastsUnit 2 Does Travel Broaden The Mind?Unit 3 From Act oneUnit 4 Darkness at NoonUnit 5 A Matter of HonorUnit 6 The Greatest InventionUnit 7 Daddy Tucked the BlanketUnit 8 The Mass MediaUnit 9 The Use of ForceUnit 10 The Richer,the PoorerUnit 11 Hearts and HandsUnit 12 Emily Posts EtiquetteUnit 13 WorryingUnit 14 The Green BananaUnit 15 TV AddictionVocabulary ListTEXT CUnit 1 A Secret for TwoUnit 2 Martin Luther King-They Shot Him?Unit 3 The Midninght VisitorUnit 4 Exploring Antarctica-The Frozen ContinentUnit 5 She Lived and 91 Others DiedUnit 6 Formal LettersUnit 7 Parents Must Make Up Their MindsUnit 8 If-Unit 9 Technology and ScienceUnit 10 FriendshipUnit 11 A Man from Stratford-William ShakespeareUnit 12 Smoking-Take It or Leave ItUnit 13 The Misery of the Shepherd Boy SlaveUnit 14 Drug Use and YouthUnit 15 Its a Hard Life for Commuters




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