
出版时间:1997-12  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:Williaml.Shirer 著;肖容 注释  页数:160  字数:120000  


One day when Adolf Hitler was only eleven years old he got into a violent quarrel with his father.The stern and stubborn parent was a retired customs official in Austria.He insisted that his son follow in his footsteps when he grew up.


PART 1 THE RISE OF ADOLF HITLER  Father and Son  School Days and an Interlude of Loafing   Down and Out in Vienna "The Saddest Period of My Life"  Fateful Decision:Hitler Goes into Politics  The Beer Hall PutschRART 2 HITLET CONQUERS GERMANY   A Revealing Book and a New Start  Hitler Falls in Love  Hitler's Drive for Political Power  Fuhrer and DictarorRART 3 HITLER CONQUER EUROPE  The Bloodless Conquests  How Hitler Launched World War   Hitler's Astounding Early Victories  The Great Turning PointRART 4 THE FALL OF ADOLF HITLER  Hitler's New Order  The Plot to Kill Hitler  The Collapse of Hitler;s Germany  The Death of Adolf HitlerNOTES




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