
出版时间:2013-7  出版社:吉林出版集团有限责任公司  作者:(英)刘易斯·卡罗尔 著,(英)约翰·田尼尔 原插图  译者:张华  


英国作家刘易斯·卡罗尔的《爱丽丝漫游奇境》是一本同时受到成人与儿童喜爱的经典童话,表面上它是一个嬉闹有趣的小女孩奇幻冒险故事,但其实故事中隐藏了丰富的双关语、游戏诗、谜语、数学、哲学等等。百年来,各方人马挖空心思解析这个故事,甚至世界各地还成立了许多爱丽丝研究学会,而解读书中谜题、哲学、数学等的书藉也十分多,光是注解本就有五、六本。可惜中文世界始终欠缺一本这样的书带领我们深入爱丽丝与卡罗尔的奇幻世界。 本书译注者张华用十多年时光收集、研究、翻译《爱丽丝》,甚至光是一首诗就耗尽半年反覆推敲,其翻译成果足以与已故名家赵元任的版本相互辉映。从编辑体例来看,本书采用中英对照,并加上注释,帮助读者更加清晰的领略原著的巧妙创意。书中许多编排皆仿造原书设计,如尾巴图像诗、表示变身的星星符号(*)等等。全书最前面设计有拉页展示爱丽丝几次变身的尺寸比例;书末则设有九项附录,提供研究者进一步探索爱丽丝文学。


作者刘易斯·卡罗尔 Lewis Carroll(1832-1898)本名Charles Lutwidge Dodgson,英国牛津基督教堂学院数学教授,生活有条不紊,信函、照相等都编码纪录,自21岁到65岁的日记从不间断。有口吃毛病,喜欢為女孩照相、讲故事、写有趣的信函或发明新游戏。因结识了院长女儿爱丽丝三姐妹,在游船时为她们讲故事,后来应邀请写成书,成为传颂百年的经典童话,学界认为真正具有人文精神的儿童文学从《爱丽丝漫游奇境》开始。书中丰富的逻辑、语言、社会背景也经常是学术界研究的题材。此外,卡罗尔也是摄影机发明早期的摄影家,拍了三千余张照片,其中不乏文学界名人。


目 录5 推荐一 慢读经典/杨茂秀9 推荐二 兔子洞里的心血结晶/林文淇11 推荐三 十年的等待与期待/幸佳慧13 编辑室报告 跟着兔子先生去探险/周惠玲19 译注者序 爱丽丝的魅力/张华39 第一章 掉下兔子洞55 第二章 眼泪池71 第三章 乌龙赛跑和委屈的故事87 第四章 兔子派来小比尔107 第五章 毛毛虫的话125 第六章 猪和胡椒147 第七章 疯茶会167 第八章 王后的槌球场187 第九章 假海龟的故事207 第十章 龙虾方块舞227 第十一章 谁偷走了馅饼243 第十二章 爱丽丝的见证262 附录一 卡罗尔族谱/年表267 附录二 爱丽丝族谱/年表270 附录三 爱丽丝故事的译本语言274 附录四 《爱丽丝漫游奇境》中文译本280 附录五 爱丽丝故事插画家283 附录六 爱丽丝故事影片285 附录七 卡罗尔相关协会287 附录八 参考书目294 附录九 爱丽丝的身高之谜


挖开兔子洞深入解读爱丽丝漫游奇境Well in the Rabbit Hole:A New and Closer Look at Alice ’s Adventures in Wonderland,An Annotated Chinese TranslationAll in the golden afternoonFull leisurely we glide;For both our oars, with little skill,By little arms are plied,While little hands make vain pretenceOur wanderings to guide.Ah, cruel Three! In such an hour,Beneath such dreamy weather,To beg a tale of breath too weakTo stir the tiniest feather!Yet what can one poor voice availAgainst three tongues together?Imperious Prima flashes forthHer edict“to begin it”:In gentler tone Secunda hopes“ There will be nonsense in it!”While Tertia interrupts the taleNot more than once a minute.在那金黄色的午后时光1,小船悠游河上。小小力道儿2以小小的技巧划动双桨前航。小小手儿装模作样,引导船儿东游西荡。啊!在这如梦似幻的时刻,三个残酷的小孩求讲故事,不管我气息细弱,连羽毛都吹不动!但可怜一个声音,怎能敌得过三张嘴巴齐说?霸道的大公主急急发出命令:“现在就给我说!”温柔的二公主轻轻说出希望,“故事里怪话要多。”三公主3听故事总不安分,没一分钟插嘴一次。1这一天是1862年7月4日(星期五),卡罗尔在日记中记载:“和利道尔三姐妹一起划船到 Godstow 村,我们在岸边喝茶,八点一刻才回到基督教堂……九点没到把她们送回院长家。”全程约5公里。后来他在1863年2月10日又在7月4日的对页补注:“那天我给她们讲‘爱丽丝地下历险’的童话,还答应写下来送给爱丽丝。现在故事已写好,但插图还没完成。”但后来有人向气象局查证,1862年7月4日这一天其实又冷又湿,见Gardner p.7,9,Gray p.261。2Gardner p.9说明诗中各三次“小小”原文为little,和爱丽丝的姓“利道尔”(Liddle)谐音(按:Liddle 和 little 的重音同样在第一音节),有双关意思。本文第一个 little 采“二义并译”的方式,以“小小力道儿”兼译 little与Liddle的谐音;其后两个 little则采“仅译一义”的方式,译为“小小”。双关语翻译法详见张华2002A。1932年为庆祝卡罗尔百年诞辰,由Caryl Hargreaves执笔发表口述回忆录,也描写了三个小孩学划船的情境,见Gray p.276。忽然间三人都静了下来,沉醉在冥想之中。梦中的小孩在幻境里漫步,新鲜事儿真多。小鸟小兽都成了聊天的好朋友—是真是假难分。故事总有穷尽,灵感泉源也有枯竭的时候,说故事的人急得没办法,想要暂时停下:“下回再讲—”“下回到了!”快乐的声音齐叫4。奇境的故事就这样展开,一段接着一段,古怪的情节慢慢出现—直到故事结束。于是转舵回家,满船欢乐,在西斜的夕阳下。爱丽丝!请收下这童稚的故事,以轻柔的手放到童年梦境里珍藏,扎以回忆的神秘丝带,像朝圣人带回来的干枯花环,采自遥远的地方。3卡罗尔外甥Collingwood在1898年写的《卡罗尔的生平和书信》(The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll)P.96中引用爱丽丝的回忆,说明“大公主”(Prima)指大姐洛琳娜(Lorina Charlotte,1849—1930),别名依娜(Ina),当时(1862)13岁;“二公主”(Secunda)指爱丽丝(1852—1934),10岁;“三公主”(Tertia)指三妹艾迪斯(Edith,1854—1876),8岁。爱丽丝还有两个妹妹,后来也在《镜子》出现。4讲故事的情节在第七章又再出现一次,以帽匠充当霸道的大姐、三月兔当小妹、爱睡觉的睡鼠就是卡罗尔。CHAPTER I.Down the Rabbit-Hole.ALICE was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank,and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it,“and what is the use of a book,” thought Alice,“without pictures or conversations?”So she was considering, in her own mind (as well as she could, for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid), whether the pleasure of making a daisy-chain would be worth the trouble of getting up and picking the daisies,when suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her.There was nothing so very remarkable in that;nor did Alice think it so very much out of the way to hear the Rabbit say to itself “Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be late!”(when she thought it over afterwards, it occurred to her that she ought to have wondered at this, but at the time it all seemed quite natural);but, when the Rabbit actually took a watch out of its waistcoat-pocket, and looked at it, and then hurried on, Alice started to her feet, for it flashed across her mind that she had never before seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket, or a watch to take out of it, and burning with curiosity, she ran across the field after it, and was just in time to see it pop down a large rabbit-hole under the hedge.第一章掉下兔子洞爱丽丝1陪姐姐坐在河边,姐姐在看书,她没事可做,开始觉得无聊。她向姐姐的书本瞄了一两眼,没有插图、也没有问答2,心想:“没有插图又没有问答,这种书有什么用?”她心里正在盘算(她也只是勉强打起精神来想,因为天气好热,把她弄得昏昏沉沉),编花环虽好玩,但要爬起来采雏菊,会不会太麻烦?这时一只淡红眼睛的白兔突然间从她身边跑过去。在野外看到小白兔本来没有什么稀奇,甚至听到兔子自言自语地说:“糟糕!糟糕!我快迟到了!”也不觉得有什么不寻常(后来她回想,那么奇怪的事,当时居然却觉得很自然)。不过,等看到兔子结结实实从背心口袋里掏出一只怀表来看了看又急忙往前走,爱丽丝马上跳了起来,因为她忽然想到,从来没见过兔子穿着背心,而且口袋里居然还掏得出怀表来。她好奇心起,跑过田野追了过去,刚好看到1爱丽丝的全名是Alice Pleasance Liddell,书中年龄推论为7岁。当时维多利亚女王的第二个女儿 Princess Alice Maude Mary(1843—1878)乖巧伶俐,深得民众喜爱,因此许多女孩都叫Alice,卡罗尔的弟媳妇也叫 Alice。2“问答”的原文是 conver-sation,这个普通字却有特殊的含义,长久被读者和译界忽略了。根据 Ronald Reichertz 在《爱丽丝故事创作资料来源》(The Making of the Alice Books)p.113说明,维多利亚时代深信问答式教学法对儿童的记忆特别有效,这类教科书称为conversation或catechism(问答集),例见本章注7。In another moment down went Alice after it, never once considering how in the world she was to get out again.The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and then dipped suddenly down, so suddenly that Alice had not a moment to think about stopping herself before she found herself falling down what seemed to be a very deep well.Either the well was very deep, or she fell very slowly, for she had plenty of time as she went down to look about her, and to wonder what was going to happen next. First, she tried to look down and make out what she was coming to,but it was too dark to see anything: then she looked at the sides of the well, and noticed that they were filled with cupboards and book-shelves: here and there she saw maps and pictures hung upon pegs. She took down a jar from one of the shelves as she passed: it was labelled “ORANGE MARMALADE,”but to her great disappointment it was empty: she did not like to drop the jar, for fear of killing somebody underneath,so managed to put it into one of the cupboards as she fell past it.“Well!”thought Alice to herself.“After such a fall as this, I shall think nothing of tumbling down-stairs! How brave they’ll all think me at home! Why, I wouldn’t say anything about it, even if I fell off the top of the house!”(Which was very likely true.)Down, down, down. Would the fall never come to an end?“I wonder how many miles I’ve fallen by this time?”she said aloud.“I must be getting somewhere near the centre of the earth. Let me see: that would be four thousand miles down, I think—”(for, you see, Alice had learnt several things of this sort in her lessons in the school-room, and though this was not a very good opportunity for


《挖开兔子洞》编辑推荐: 成人版“爱丽丝漫游仙境”,中英双语对照,英文部分简单易懂,具有趣味性,并有俚语的使用,对初中以上,甚至成年人在英文的阅读及口语的使用上会有很大的借鉴之处。现今为止,注释最全面、最完善的唯一中译本。文中注释多达309条。对文中很多国人不熟悉、不知晓或者模凌两可的谜语、游戏、双关语及爱丽丝与卡罗尔的现实故事做了最详尽有趣的注解。绘图精美,出自英国著名漫画家之手,有一定的收藏价值。采用卡罗尔最后校正版为蓝本,保留英文原著设计创意,最终于原著的内文设计风格。




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