
出版时间:2013-3  出版社:杜志建 延边教育出版社 (2013-03出版)  作者:杜志建 编  




第一部分:识纲抢分 熟知考纲要求 洞悉命题规律 考场抢分技巧 第二部分:热点话题 一、校园生活类 1.英语学习类 Topic 1忐忑试卷红 Topic 2英语学不好?外教来支招 Topic 3高三急诊室 Topic 4你的睡眠达标了吗? 2.人际关系类 Topic 5秒杀社交障碍 Topic 6那些年,我们上过的思想品德课 Topic 7我的世界你不懂 3.课外活动类 Topic 8一花一世界 Topic 9无兄弟,不篮球 Topic 10学英语,So easy! Topic 11伤不起的长跑 4.人物介绍类 Topic 12身边的榜样 Topic 13千万富婆的淡定生活 5.文化交流类 Topic 14亲,我得奖了 T0pic 15我们的青春领地 Topic 16我的休闲Style Topic 17话说我的三点一线 6.身心健康类 Topic 18不要太瘦哦 Topic 19你有你的眼镜,我有我的眼睛 Topic 20健康余额不足 二、人生态度类 1.名谚类 Topic 21失败是成功之母 Topic 22兴趣是最好的老师 Topic 23这就是生活 2.哲理漫画类 Topic 24你幸福吗? Topic 25向左走,向右走 Topic 26“蚁”爱“象”处 …… 第三部分:备考资料库 第四部分:满分万能模板


版权页:   插图:   Topic 22兴趣是最好的老师 前不久,你读到孔子曾说过的一句话,”知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”请你根据这句话用英语写篇短文。内容应包括: 1.这句话给你的启示; 2.给出你的理由; 3.结合实例,谈谈你相应的打算。 注意:1.词数不少于100。 2.文章的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。 Confucius said,"Curiosity is more important than knowledge itself while interest is even moreimportant than pure curiosity. " This highlights the importance of learning interest. In my opinion, learning interest is important in that it encourages us to learn more actively. If youare interested in singing, for example, you will take advantage of every chance to participate inactivities associated with singing. Learning interest, as a powerful driving force, also helps us overcomedifficulties in study. Besides, it can make the learning process more fun. The more interested you are insomething, the more fun you'll find in it. Last but not least, learning interest can contribute to betteracademic performances. I am poor in English because I have lost interest in English. I think I can cultivate my interest inEnglish by seeing English films, listening to English songs, joining English corners and reading Englishnewspapers. Only in this way can I improve my English.





    2012-2013年疯狂阅读·高考冲刺专号 PDF格式下载

用户评论 (总计2条)


  •   用起来不错,要是有翻译的话对我这种英语不好的就更完美了!哇嘎嘎嘎!
  •   热点问题全面,范文规范。

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