
出版时间:2013-4  出版社:杜志建、天星教育研究中心、 天星教育网 延边教育出版社 (2013-04出版)  作者:天星教育研究中心 编,天星教育网 编  




2013年高考最后一卷(第一模拟) 2013年高考最后一卷(第二模拟) 2013年高考最后一卷(第三模拟) 2013年高考最后一卷(第四模拟) 2013年高考最后一卷(第五模拟) 2013年高考最后一卷(第六模拟) 2013年高考最后一卷(第七模拟) 2013年高考最后一卷(第八模拟) 附:参考答案与解析


版权页:   插图:   If you've ever seen the movie Up, you probably remember that the main character flies into the air in a house tied toballoons. On November 18, North Carolina adventurer Jonathan Trappe brought that movie to life. At a Mexico balloonfestival, he flew to the sky in a tiny house tied to a cluster of helium balloons. He performed a similar marvel in March 2011, Boating 10,000 feet above the ground as part of an event sponsored byNational Geographic. But this time, Trappe reached an altitude of more than 20,000 feet. Flying with helium balloons is called cluster ballooning. In 2010, Trappe became the first person to fly across theEnglish Channel using helium balloons. He also holds records for crossing the Alps using helium balloons, for flying withthe most helium balloons, and for flying the longest distance with helium balloons - 230 miles. Next summer, Trappe will attempt to become the first person to cross the Atlantic Ocean using helium balloons. Onthat journey, he will fly in a seven-foot lifeboat carried by 365 balloons. Trappe predicts the 2,500-mile flight from Maineto France will take three to six days to complete. He will reach an altitude of up to 25,000 feet. " Five people have died attempting to cross the Atlantic with hot-air balloons, and no one has ever tried it using acluster of helium balloons," Trappe said. "l am looking at an epic challenge. " To stay safe on his trip,Trappe has been working with four scientists to identify potential dangers and figure out how to handle them. Trappe will carry food and water on his flight. He will wear an oxygen mask at the highest altitudes to help himbreathe. The boat will have a canopy to protect against cold winds, and Trappe will wear a special suit to blockthe sun's UV rays. If something goes wrong, he will change into a cold-water suit, pop some balloons to bring the boatnear the water, and try to land in the ocean. Trappe is learning to sail the boat in case that happens - but he is workingvery hard to make sure that it doesn't. 61. What do we know about Trappe's flight on November 18? A. He was inspired by a scene of the movie Up. B. It was sponsored by National Geographic. C. He didn't think he could make it at first. D. He reached an altitude of over 20,000 feet.





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