
出版时间:2012-6  出版社:He Weidong、 Peng Feng 上海社会科学院出版社 (2012-06出版)  作者:何卫东,彭峰 编  页数:277  


  In the book, authors of the papers study climate change from legal mechanism in different levels: international level, regional level and national level. The essays illustrates issues of future international climate regime, climate change governance, CBDRs, financial mechanisms, carbon capture and storage liability, carbon emission reduction Regulation, EIA, CDM, climate change, export administration and trade protectionism, China's climate change legal framework system, etc.


Contributor's BiographiesForewordThe Drafting of the Future International Climate Regime: From theCopenhagen Accord to the Canc,',n Accords  Sandrine Maljean-Dubois Vanessa Richard++++Emerging Climate Change Law and Changing Governance  Jiunn-rong YehTransnational Governance Model of Climate Change: CatastrophicRisk, Transnational Regulation and Its Implications in InternationalLaw  Yao-ming HsuThe Principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities in theInternational Regime of Climate Change  Thomas DeleuilFinancial Mechanisms for Climate Change Mitigation and AdaptationMeasures  Wen-chen ShihCarbon Capture and Storage Liability Issues in International Law  Chloe HoudyResearch on the EU Carbon Emission Reduction Regulation On theAviation Industry: the Resolution in the Post-Kyoto Era  Liang YongEnvironmental Impacts Assessments in the Age of Climate Change:Some Introductory Notes  Wen-chen ChangThe Clean Development Mechanism From The Perspective of TheDeveloping Countries   Marion LemoineClimate Change, Export Administration and Trade Protectionismunder Control   Bo YePrimary Study on China's Climate Change Legal FrameworkSystem   Zhang Zitai Tao LeiThe Impact of the Kyoto Protocol and UNFCCC into the ChineseLaw and Consequent Reforms to Fight Against Climate Change   Peng FengPractice and Evolution of Financial Mechanism Combating ClimateChange in China   Gu Dejin  Li Chen


《气候变化法的新发展(国际法与国家法)(英文版)》介绍:In the book, authors of the papers study climate change from legal mechanism in different levels: international level, regional level and national level. The essays illustrates issues of future international climate regime, climate change governance, CBDRs, financial mechanisms, carbon capture and storage liability, carbon emission reduction Regulation, EIA, CDM, climate change, export administration and trade protectionism, China's climate change legal framework system, etc.



    气候变化法的新发展-国际法与国家法-英文 PDF格式下载

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