
出版时间:2010-7  出版社:中南大学出版社  作者:李朝奎,全斌 主编  页数:200  




本书是面向高等院校的地理信息系统本科专业和地图学与地理信息系统硕士研究生专业开设的专业英语教程。全书共分16个单元,整体内容分为GIS概念、GIS技术和GIS应用三大部分。每个单元包含Text,New words,Phrases,Notes,Exercises,Translation to Text and Key to Exercises等内容,便于教师授课和学生自学。Unit 1至Unit 3主要介绍GIS的定义及应用领域,Unit 4至Unit 5介绍等离线及其精度,Unit 6介绍三维的概念,Unit 7介绍数据格式转换,Unit 8介绍影像分类,Unit 9介绍GIS的时间响应概念,Unit 10介绍地图投影,Unit 11介绍GIS改变地理学,Unit 12介绍地理教育与专业发展,Unit 13介绍行为地理学,Unit 14介绍GIs的最重要组成,Unit 15至Unit 16介绍GIS在土地变化与评估中的应用。本书侧重专业基本慨念与方法,强调专业概念的思维与表达。为便于学生掌握和加深理解课程内容,每一章均提供了练习题和参考答案。    本书可作为地理信息系统本科专业和研究生专业的通识教材,同时可供相关专业的生产技术人员参考。


Unit 1  Definitions of GIS  New Words  Phrases  Notes  Exercises  Translation to Text  Key to ExerciseUnit 2  Introduction to GIS  New Words  Phrases  Notes  Exercises  Translation to Text  Key to ExerciseUnit 3  Application of GIS  New Words  Phrases  Notes  Exercises  Translation to Text  Key to ExerciseUnit 4  Contours  New Words  Phrases  Notes  Exercises  Translation to Text  Key to ExerciseUnit 5  Contour Accuracy  New Words  Phrases  Notes  Exercises  Translation to Text  Key to ExerciseUnit 6  The Third Dimension  New Words  Phrases  Notes  Exercises  Translation to Text  Key to ExerciseUnit 7  Data Format Conversions  New Words  Phrases  Notes  Exercises  Translation to Text  Key to ExerciseUnit 8  Image Classification  New Words  Phrases  Notes  Exercises  Translation to Text  Key to ExerciseUnit 9  GIS in Response Time Analysis  New Words  Phrases  Notes  Exercises  Translation to Text  Key to ExerciseUnit 10  Map Projections  New Words  Phrases  Notes  Exercises  Translation to Text  Key to ExerciseUnit 11  Changing the Face of Geography: GIS and the IGU  New Words  Phrases  Notes  Exercises  Translation to Text  Key to ExerciseUnit 12  Geography Education and Professional Development  New Words  Phrases  Notes  Exercises  Translation to Text  Key to ExerciseUnit 13  GIS - Geography in Action  New Words  Phrases  Exercises  Translation to Text  Key to ExerciseUnit 14  The Most Important Part of a GIS  New Words  Phrases  Notes  Exercises  Translation to Text  Key to ExerciseUnit 15  Land Suitability Assessment in Fujian Province, China  New Words  Phrases  Notes  Exercises  Translation to Text  Key to ExerciseUnit 16  New Words  Phrases  Notes  Exercises  Translation to Text  Key to Exercise


插图:A GIS works by providing a way to capture or input data, store, retrieve andmanage the data, manipulate and analyze the data, and finally a way of displaying thatdata as a document. Let' s take a closer look at each of these aspects of GIS.Data input: All GIS data has to be in a digital format so whether it' s a report, aphoto, a map, or information gathered in the field, it has to be made digital.Obtaining geographic data to insert into a GIS is a large subject in which includes anumber of different approaches. One of the most common ways to collect spatialgeographic data is to perform a physical survey. This includes surveying the land,underwater areas, and underground features of the earth (which are referred to as fieldsurvey, hydrographic survey and mining survey respectively).Basic forms of data input include :  Typing:  Reports,  survey documents,population statistics, etc. , all have to be entered into the computer preferably in adata base format or as tabular data. Scanning: Paper maps such as topographic maps,aerial photographs, remotely sensed images if not already in a digital format need tobe scanned and then georeferenced or georectified. When a picture or a map or anaerial photo is georeferenced it will open in a GIS program in the right place on amap in relation to another map objects being viewed. They will be in the properplace spatially.  Digitizing: Currently digitizing is the most common method forconverting existing maps and images into digital form. Digitizing is basically tracingpoints, lines, or areas from a paper map, or aerial photo so that instead of aphotograph or a raster image, there is now a digital line graphic or vector file.





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用户评论 (总计8条)


  •   书没看,当当买书不错,就是当当的系统慢。
  •   比较有用,相当于词典了
  •   是一本学习GIS专业英语的好书
  •   在GIS学科中,比较欠缺的时外语教材和双语教材,这不说不是一本很好的入门级教材。
  •   这本专业外语很不错,在便宜一点就好了啊,呵呵
  •   本書通過單元講解模式分析地學專業英語,對於剛入門的英語學者還可以,這本專業英語講解很淺,希望大家多做參考!
  •   这本书真心不推荐,语法上都说不过去
  •   全英文的,看起还是有一点吃力,好书哟!!!

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