出版时间:2010-6 出版社:中南大学 作者:周科平//李杰林 页数:156
站在21世纪全球发展战略的高度来审视世界矿业。可以清楚地看到,矿业作为国民经济的基础产业。与其他传统产业一样,在现代科学技术突飞猛进的推动下。也正逐步走向现代化。就金属矿床开采领域而言,现今的采矿工程科学技术与20世纪90年代以前的相比,已经不可同日而语。为了适应矿业快速发展的形势,国家需要大批具有现代采矿知识的专业人才。因此,作为优秀专业人才培养的重要基础建设之一——教材建设就显得至关重要。 在2006—1010年地矿学科教学指导委员会(以下简称地矿学科教指委)的成立大会上。委员们一致认为。抓教材建设是本届教学指导委员会的重要任务之一。特别是金属矿采矿工程专业的教材。现在多是20世纪90年代出版的。教材更新已迫在眉睫。2006年10月18~20日在中南大学召开了第一次地矿学科教指委全体会议。会上委员们就开始酝酿采矿工程专业系列教材的编写拟题:之后。中南大学出版社主动承担该系列教材的出版工作。并积极协助地矿学科教指委于2007年6月22~24日在中南大学召开了“全国采矿工程专业学科发展与教材建设研讨会”。
本书内容包括了地质勘探、矿床资源评估、可行性研究、露天/地下矿山设计和进度计划、露天采矿技术、地下矿山开拓系统、地下矿采矿方法、矿山岩石力学、矿山附属设施、矿山企业运营管理、未来采矿技术等采矿专业知识。英文章节篇幅适中,每篇文章后列出了生词和注释,通俗易懂,能让读者快速地学习和掌握采矿专业知识的英文表达方式,扩大专业英语词汇量,提高专业英语的阅读和应用技能。 本书既可作为高等院校采矿工程专业的英语教材和教学参考书,也可供从事地质勘探、矿业生产管理、矿山设计研究、矿产资源评估以及其他从事矿产资源开发的工程技术人员自学参考。
Introduction to Mining前言Unit 1 Geology,Surveying and Feasibility Studies地质、测量及可行性研究 1.1 Mineral Exploration地质勘探 1.2 Mine Valuation Studies矿床资源评估 1.3 Mine Feasibility Studies矿山可行性研究 1.4 Mine Surveying矿山测量Unit 2 Surface Mining露天采矿 2.1 Introduction简介 2.2 Open Pit Blasting Technology露天爆破技术 2.3 Stripping and Pit Development露天矿剥离与生产Unit 3 Mine Design and Scheduling矿山设计及进度计划 3.1 Open Pit Mining Design露天采矿设计 3.2 Open Pit Planning and Scheduling露天采矿进度计划 3.3 Underground Mine Planning and Scheduling地下采矿设计与计划 3.4 Location and Design of Vertical Shafts竖井的设计 3.5 Mining Equipments矿山设备Unit 4 Underground Mine Development System地下采矿开拓系统 4.1 Underground Mine Development开拓掘进 4.2 Underground Mine Drilling and Blasting井下凿岩爆破 4.3 Hoisting Systems运输提升系统 4.4 Ventilation Systems通风系统 4.5 Drainage Systems排水系统 4.6 High-Density Backfill Systems充填系统 4.7 Mining Radio Communication Systems通讯系统Unit 5 Underground Mining Methods地下矿采矿方法 5.1 Introduction简介 5.2 Room and Pillar Mining Methods房柱法 5.3 Caving Method-Sublevel Caving Methods崩落法 5.4 Waste Fill Mining Methods充填法Unit 6 Rock Mechanics矿山岩石力学 6.1 Rock Mass Classification岩石力学分类 6.2 Slope Engineering边坡工程 6.3 Ground Control岩层控制 6.4 Shotcrete Support喷浆支护Unit 7 Auxiliary Operations矿山其他设施 7.1 Waste Dump排土场 7.2 Tailing Pond尾矿库Unit 8 Mine Operation Management矿山运营管理 8.1 Safety Management安全管理 8.2 Importance of Environmental Planning环境保护 8.3 Mineral Economics矿业经济 8.4 Operation Management of Mining Industry Company矿山企业运营管理Unit 9 Future Mining Technology未来采矿技术 9.1 Technologies Required for Deep Mine深井开采技术 9.2 Digital Mine数字化矿山 9.3 Automation Mining Technology无人采矿技术 9.4 Virtual Reality(VR)Mining虚拟采矿技术References参考文献
In this paper, the major components associated with vertical to near-vertical shafts using hoists and cable-suspended conveyances are described briefly. The term shaft hoisting system is used to describe collectively the openings and the equipment by purpose, by configuration, by ground support, and being considered, by excavation method. In addition to the five major hoisting components, Edwards (1988) has identified an additional 277 subcomponents. The number of subcomponents and their interrelationship with the main components are indicative of the complexity involved with the design of shaft hoisting systems. A brief description of each of the above main components is now presented. In the following segments, information on the design and technical considerations to be examined when selecting a particular component is presented in more detail. 1.Hoists There are two basic types of hoists in common use today. These are the drum hoist in which the hoist rope is stored on the drum, and the friction hoist in which the rope passes over the wheel during the hoisting cycle. Within each category there are several variations. Drum hoists are usually located at some distance from the shaft and require a head frame and sheaves to center the hoisting ropes in the shaft compartment. Friction hoists may also be located directly over the shaft and, depending upon the wheel diameter, may require deflection sheaves to center the rope in the shaft compartment. 2.Conveyances Conveyances used in mining operations are classified according to their use. Those for handling personnel and material are generally termed cages. Conveyances for handling broken ore or coal and waste are termed skips. Combination skip-cages are used in some areas. A counterweight may also be considered a conveyance.