
出版时间:2010-09-01  出版社:云南大学出版社  作者:杨智娟 著  页数:207  






序PrefaceChapter Ⅰ  Introduction1.1  Biographical Information1.2  Major WorksChapter Ⅱ  Literature Review2. 1  International Studies2.2  Domestic Studies2.3  SummaryChapter Ⅲ  Theoretical Framework3.1  Definition of Modernism3.2  Modernism and Modern Life3.3  The Phases of Modernism3.4  Characteristics of Modernist Literature3.5  Ambiguity of ModernismChapter Ⅳ  Analysis4. 1  Theme4. 2  Exploration of the Inner World4. 3  Writing Techniques4. 4  Readers4.5  SummaryChapter Ⅴ  ConclusionBibliography


Chapter Ⅰ  IntroductionRobert Browning, one of the most prominent English poets in Victorian era, is chiefly remembered for his unparalleled mastery of dramatic monologue and for the remarkable diversity and scope of his works. In "Fra Lippo Lippi", "And real del Sar to", "The Bishop Orders His Tomb at San Praxed's", and many other well-known poems, as well as in his masterpiece, The Ring and the Book, he has advanced the art of dramatic monologue to a new level of technical and psychological sophistication. At the same time, his works reflect a variety of approaches and a cosmopolitan range of knowledge. As a highly individual force in the history of English poetry, Browning has also made significant innovations in language and versification.……



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