出版时间:1970-1 出版社:上海科技 作者:张昕//张蕾 页数:192
美国电影协会(American Film Institute,AFI)主席Jean Picker Firstenberg曾说:“有些电影会激励我们,鼓励我们有所作为。剧终离场时,我们会怀有一种更加强烈的感觉:未来充满可能和希望。(There are films that inspire us.encourage us to make a difference and send us from the theatre with a greater sense of possibility and hope for the future.)”他所说的就是励志类电影。许多人从小便喜欢观看这类电影,喜欢看过影片后的那种“生活满希望,前路由我创”的兴奋感觉。本书共有16部励志电影近40段对白呈现给广大读者,希望所有看过这本书的你们都能从这些影片中得到一些启迪和感悟。 本书选取的电影上映时间跨度不算太大,集中于二十世纪六十年代到本世纪初,有让无数影迷久久难忘的达斯汀·霍夫曼的成名佳作《毕业生》,又有全球热映不久的青春励志歌舞剧《歌舞青春3:毕业季》;既有反映一个经历贫苦困难的小女孩自强不息的经典求学励志片《风雨哈佛路》,也有改编自真实故事、讲述一个落魄的业务员如何奋斗成为知名的金融投资家的新近感人之作《当幸福来敲门》。这样,读者不仅能欣赏到经典电影对白,同时还能学到真正鲜活地道的时下流行语言。
有些电影会激励我们,鼓励我们有所作为。剧终离场时。我们会怀有一种更加强烈的感觉:未来充满可能和希望。——这就是励志电影。《英语经典励志电影对白朗诵》精选16部英语经典励志电影近40段精彩对白,供读者模仿朗诵,希望能给读者生活满希望,前路由我创的启迪和感悟。当成长过程中有了迷茫和困惑《毕业生》或许能给出答案;当深陷困境甚至绝境时,《当幸福来敲门》和《肖申克的救赎》会教人如何在困境绝境中找到希望并重获新生;当身患残疾失望消沉时,《阿甘正传》能给人力量…… 突出朗诵指导,是《英语经典励志电影对白朗诵》最大亮点。在对白分析中,为读者剖析英文电影对白中常见的连读、重读、弱读、缩读、失去爆破不完全爆破意群司停顿语调等大量口语技巧,并对英式发音和美式发音进行对比分析,便于读者把握角色心理,掌握朗诵技巧,提升英语语音水平。 配CD一张选录电影中最具代表性和最适合朗读的对白,由外国专家根据角色情节用纯正英语配音,便于大家进行跟读和角色扮演。
Growth成长励志篇1. The Graduate毕业生2. Dead P0ets Society春风化雨3. Good Will Hunting心灵捕手4. Homeless to Harvard风雨哈佛路Adversity人生逆境篇5. The Shawshank Redemption肖申克的救赎6. Patch Adams心灵点滴7. Cast Away荒岛余生8. The Pursuit of Happyness当幸福来敲门Handicap身残志坚篇9. Forrest Gump阿甘正传10. A Beautiful Mind美丽心灵Musical歌舞励志篇11. Step Up 2 The Streets舞出我人生2:街舞狂潮12. High School Musical 3-SeniorYear歌舞青春3:毕业季Sports体育励志篇13. Seabiscuit奔腾年代14. Million Dollar Baby百万美元宝贝Battle战斗励志篇15. Brave Heart勇敢的心16. Gladiator角斗士参考资料
The notoriously elusive Four-one-oh has claimed responsibility for this morning's attack that both defaced public property and shut down the Charles Center Station over security concerns. Police have been tracking this troubling trend, and sources close to the investigation.Sara: Not so fast, Andie. Get in here. Sara's little son (cheerfully): Andie! Sara: We've got to tall I can't believe you. Dinner was an hour ago. Andie: Sorry, Sarah, bus was/are. I'm here, so just chiout. Sara: Baby, you go on upstairs and go to bed.Sara's little son: OK. Sara: I know where you been. It's all over the news. So don't stand here and lie to my face. You realize you could have been arrested? Andie: It wasn't a big deal. You have no ideSara: You've got to take responsibility for your life. You can't follow the Four-one-oh forever. Those people are criminals. I'm putting my foot downs. This has got to stop. Now.Andie: No! No, the Four-one-oh is the only family I have left. Who are you to tell me how to live my life?Sara: Your mother was my best friend! I told her that I would be your guardian9. I promised her that I would take care of you so you wouldn't have to leave your life here. But you won't let me. Instead, you skip school. You're out all fight God only knows what you' re doing. I can't do this. Your Aunt Alice and I have been talking. You can't live here anymore. ……