出版时间:2012-1 出版社:上海远东 作者:顺顺 页数:75
班尼学语音第一册专为儿童和初学者设计,旨在让学生们掌握英文字母发音规则技巧,轻松学会拼读所有的英语单词。 《班尼英语发现王国:班尼学语音(1)》不仅囊括单词的发音及生动的图片,还有智力游戏及朗朗上口的歌曲。不仅学生能在听、说、读、写、唱过程中轻松学会语音,还令教师寓教于乐。学生通过循序渐进的单词和句子的练习,既能掌握拼读书中单词,又能学会拼读陌生的新单词。
Name PageContents 1Contents 2Song: Alphabet SongabSong: There's a pencila and b writingSong: What does he do?CdSong: The dogc and d writingSong: Farmer Fred 1efSong: What's your name?e and f writingSong: Move to the leftghSong: Teacher, what's this?g and h writingiSong: What does it mean?jSong: Jump forjoyItis time for classi and j writingSong: Let's count (1-10)kSong: Please readISong: Look at the lionk and I writingmnSong: PartyToday is your birthday, BorotSong: Happy birthdaym and n writingSong: Go to the toilet?OpSong: Live in the cityHow many tentacles?o and p writingSong: Go rightqCity wordsSong: What can you find?rHow old are you?q and r writingSong: The sunStWhat can you see in the sky?s and t writingSong: Swim under the seauVSong: Strum the guitaru and v writingSong: Willy the whaleWXSong: Drink some water?w and x writingSong: To the zooyZy and z writingReference 1
学习特点: 26个字母 104个基本代表单词 句子及对话练习 书写练习 跟随可爱的卡通人物在对话、歌曲和音乐中互动式学习 配有互动式学习软件、DVD及CD-Rom 配有中文释义的单词表 单元复习和练习 可下载教师手册及相关教学资料