出版时间:2013-1 出版社:摩根、摩根 (Francis Morgan)、李延霞、 齐航 吉林出版集团有限责任公司 (2013-01出版) 作者:吴鹏 译 (美)摩根(Francis Mo 页数:142 译者:吴鹏
作者:(美国)摩根(Francis Morgan) 译者:吴鹏 插图者:李延霞 齐航 郝严 郝威
里奥去伦敦 里奥拯救7月4日 里奥的法国之旅 里奥去火星(一) 里奥去火星(二)
版权页: 插图: "The Eiffel Tower is made of iron. Itwas erected for the Paris Exposition of1889. Of the 700 proposals submitted ina design competition, one was chosen. Itwas a creation from the French engineerGustav Eiffel," said the guide. She continued, "It was the talleststructure in the world until the EmpireState Building was built about 40 yearslater." "At the opening of the tower, GustavEiffel said that he thanked the children ofAmerica," said the guide. "Nobody knewwhat he meant by that." Leo and his friends laughed. Theyknew Mr. Eiffel's thanks were for them. "Mr. Eiffel also designed the ironskeleton inside the Statue of Liberty," theguide continued. "The statue was a giftto the people of America from the peopleof France." It was an exciting visit to France, but itwas time to return home. Within seconds,RK-5 had transported them back to thebig, blue bench in the park.