
出版时间:2013-1  出版社:摩根、摩根 (Francis Morgan)、李延霞、 齐航 吉林出版集团有限责任公司 (2013-01出版)  作者:吴鹏 译 (美)摩根(Francis Mo  页数:153  译者:吴鹏  




作者:(美国)摩根(Francis Morgan) 译者:吴鹏 插图者:李延霞 齐航 郝严 郝威


里奥倒霉的一天 萨曼塔在沙漠中 安迪在北极 露西和金迷失在海洋 第一次援救 最后援救


版权页:   插图:      "It could be Aplixa who is trying to findme," said RK-5. "But whoever it is willknow how to find Aplixa." "I could set my reverse tracking,"suggested RK-5. "Then we could find outwho is sending the tracking signals." Leo agreed, and RK-5 turned on hisreverse tracking. A lower beep tone camefrom RK-5. As Leo changed directionswith RK-5 in his hand, the beeping gotlouder or softer. Leo noticed for the first time that theywere on a large step. The steps werearranged in a circle, like in a footballstadium. They seemed to be made of akind of red plastic. Leo was pleased that the beeps wereleading them up the steps rather thandown. The steps went so far downwasrdthat he couldn't see the bottom. At last, they reached the top step. Allaround, there were more circles. Someof them had steps that went high intoa pueple sky; others had steps that leddown into bottomless pits.





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