
出版时间:2012-1  出版社:吉林出版集团有限责任公司  作者:钱一欣,刘玉 编  页数:166  


  《高中英语词汇高分特训(下)》特色:分层设级循序渐进,全书涵盖了高中阶段的核心和高频词汇,分上下册,本册60个主题单元,6个综合测验,步步为营。  语境记忆科学新颖,对重点词汇进行详细地讲解,后配有词汇练习,提倡在情境中学习,加深记忆。  结构简约生趣盎然,练习与运用巧妙地融入图片、漫画、游戏等丰富形式,激发读者的学习兴趣和信心,全书配有答案,为学生自学提供有效的帮助。


Chopter 1 Inventing thingsChopter 2 AdvertisingChopter 3 At the doctor'sChopter 4 CrimeChopter 5 LanguagesChapter 6 Modern communicationsChapter 7 Using the InternetChapter 8 Personal memoriesChapter 9 NoticesChapter10 AbbreviationsTest 1 (1-10)Chapter 11 Making countable nounsChapfer 12 Expressions of timeChapter 13 Do and makeChapter 14 Phrasalverbs: studyingChapter 15 Phrasalverbs: socialisingChapter 16 ldioms: hands and feetChapter 17 ldioms: feeling happy and sadChapter 18 SimilesChapter 19 Food for thoughtChapter 20 Collocations: money and timeTest2 (11-20) Chapter 21 Describing characterChapter 22 Describing appearanceChapter 23 What your body doesChapter 24 How you feelChapfer 25 Animal typesChapter 26 Working and not workingChapter 27 Early childhoodChapter 28 Friends and relationshipsChapter 29 Being good or badChapter 30 How you say somethingTest3 (21-30)Chapter 31 ReactionsChapter 32 Opinions: for and againstChapfer 33 Talking about historyChapter 34 The rich and famousChapter 35 CulturesChapter 36 BodylanguageChapter 37 HumourChapfer 38 DrugsChapter 39 MedicaltreatmentChapter 40 ScienceTest4 (31-40)Chapfer 41 Money and debtChapter 42 ReligionChapter 43 Birth and deathChapter 44 ArtChapter 45 LiteratureChapter 46 Leisure activitiesChapfer 47 TimeChapfer 48 Quantities and amountsChapter 49 ImmigrationChapter 50 Letter writingTest5 (41-50)Chapter 51 Ups and downsChapter 52 Phrasal verbs: getting in touchChapter 53 Phrasal verbs: sport and exerciseChapter 54 Phrasal verbs: not doing thingsChapter 55 ldioms: how you feelChapter 56 ldioms: succeeding and failingChapter 57 ldioms and metaphors: colourChapter 58 Collocations: big and smallChapter 59 Collocations: give and takeChapter 60 Confusing verbs(borrow/lend,etc)Test6 (21-30)Answer Key



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