
出版时间:2011-7  出版社:吉林出版集团有限责任公司  作者:裴云,易娜伊 编  页数:263  






  The first thing we did was neuter him, a seemingly benign project,except it took us an hour to complete the usual 20-minute procedure,and an anesthetic overdose kept him out for 36 hours. Afterward, herecovered his strength quickly and felt good.Two weeks later, we did an abdominal exploratory surgery, opening hisabdomen, checking his organ inventory, and closing him again.This was the first major surgery for any of us, and, with inadequatesupervision, we did not close him properly. By the next morning, hisincision had opened and he was sitting on his small intestine. Hastily,we sewed him up again, and he survived. But it was a week or morebefore he could resume walks he had come to eagerly anticipated.He would still wag his tail when we arrived and greet us with as muchenthusiasm as he could muster.  The following week, again when he was under anesthesia, we broke hisleg and repaired it with a steel pin. After this, Rodney seemed in almostconstant pain, his temperature rose, and he didn't rebound as he hadin the past. His resiliency was gone, despite antibiotic treatment, henever recovered completely.  He could no longer manage his walks, and our visits generated only aweak thump of his tail. The shine was gone from his brown eyes. Hisoperated leg remained stiff and swollen.



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