
出版时间:2011-6  出版社:吉林出版集团有限责任公司  作者:庄蔚 编  页数:276  




第一章 六级作文全解全析第一节 六级作文概述一、考试大纲要求二、评分原则与评分标准第二节 六级作文分类及高分模板一、原因分析型二、对比选择型三、观点论证型四、说明利弊型五、问题解决型第三节 命题趋势分析与写作策略一、命题趋势分析二、写作献计献策第二章 六级作文临阵背诵第一节 缤纷校园类Topic 1 On the Popularity of Takeaway on CampusTopic 2 How to Avoid Staying Up Too Late?Topic 3 Mass Education and Elite EducationTopic 4 Should Science and Arts Be Divided?Topic 5 Is It Suitable that Undergraduates Work as Carbage Man?Topic 6 Should Pupils Learn Classical Chinese?Topic 7 Should University Students Be Forced to Do Morning Exercises?Topic 8 How to Eliminate Emotional Illiteracy?Topic 9 New Trend of Graduates' Homebound WaveTopic 10 Read Intensively or Extensively?Topic 11 Should College Students Pursue Famous Brands?Topic 12 From “I” to “We”Topic 13 The Significance of Volunteer ServicesTopic 14 Should College Students Open E-shops?Topic 15 How to Enhance College Students' Self-cultivation?Topic 16 0n Students' Information Retrieval SkillsTopic 17 My View on Postgraduate CrazeTopic 18 0n Job-hunting PrioritiesTopic 19 Who Should Be Our Superstars?Topic 20 0n College Students' Interpersonal RelationshipTopic 21 The Purpose of College EducationTopic 22 0n College Students' Joining the ArmyTopic 23 Integrate Chinese Culture into College EducationTopic 24 My View on Wide-spreading SMSTopic 25 Relationship Between Major and Future JobTopic 26 More Multimedia-aided Teaching or Not?Topic 27 0nline CoursesTopic 28 My View on College'Students' Quitting SchoolTopic 29 0n a Second Suburban Campus of a UniversityTouic 30 My View on Campus ViolenceTODic 31 Peking Opera as a Compulsory Course?Topic 32 Mv View on the Student Loan SystemTopic 33 Widespread Extravagant Spending on CampusTODic 34 Should College Marriage Be Permitted?Topic 35 0n Students' Evaluation of TeachersTopic 36 Cherish Every Minute on CampusTopic 37 The Necessity of ExaminationTopic 38 Social Practice for College Students第二节 绚丽社会类Topic 39 0n Network Real-name SystemTopic 40 My View on Social Networking SitesTopic 41 Should Stars Have Their Privacy?……




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