出版时间:2010-5 出版社:吉林出版集团有限责任公司,外语教育出版公司 作者:麦瑟尔德 页数:90 译者:于鑫
现代语言教学理论认为,阅读是培养学生寻找信息、处理信息、储存信息、提取信息的能力。同时,阅读材料的选择则强调专题性、趣味性以及难易度适中原则,因为有针对性的阅读会让你的阅读能力在最短的时间得到最迅速的提高。在这一理念指导下,我们特别推出这套《朗文中学英语智趣故事集》。 本套丛书精选135篇幽默小故事(每册15篇,分三个等级,共。册)。每篇故事都配有一组适合中国学生学习和考试的练习。各册词汇与语法既与新课标接轨,又遵照循序渐进、步步为营的原则,便于学生接受和使用。每个故事插图生动活泼,妙趣横生;每个故事寓意丰富深刻,令读者忍俊不禁、爱不释手,又无形中提高了英语阅读和实践能力。同时,更让读者不出国门便可以充分领略西方高雅的蓝色幽默,体会中西方文化、生活、休闲、社会等方面的差异。
《朗文中学英语智趣故事集》精选135篇幽默小故事(每册15篇,分三个等级,共9册)。每篇故事都配有一组适合中国学生学习和考试的练习。各册词汇与语法既与新课标接轨,又遵照循序渐进、步步为营的原则,便于学生接受和使用。每篇故事插图生动活泼、妙趣横生;每篇故事寓意丰富深刻,既令读者忍俊不禁、爱不释手,又无形中提高了英语阅读和实践能力。 本系列读物既可在课堂上使用,也可供各级水平的英语爱好者自学。每册后附有习题答案和译文,以方便读者学习。 《朗文中学英语智趣故事集:妙语短篇(A2)》为《朗文中学英语智趣故事集》A2。
1.The Diet2.A Holiday from School3.Love Letters4.Quick Service5.The Umbrella Man6.Fishing Can Be Dangerous7.The Earthquake8.A Family Secret9.No Point10.Long Life11.The Bank Robber12.The Big Baby13.In the Air14.On Guard15.The CheaterTranslationAnswer Key
Old Peter liked fishing. Whenever he had any free time he drove into the countryside, found a good place to fish, and spent a few hours fishing. The problem was that most of the best places to fish were on private land, and Peter often had to pull his rod out of the water quickly and run off with it when the owner of the land came along. One day he was sitting by a river that ran through a rich mans property when he fell asleep. He was awakened by a voice saying, "Youll never catch anything using that bait." Peter looked up and saw a man standing behind him. "What do you mean?" Peter said. "Theres nothing wrong with this bait. I always use it. Ive caught thirty fish with it today already." "How very interesting," the man said. "Do you know who I am?" Peter shook his head. "1 m the owner of this land." Peter thought very quickly.