出版时间:2010-5 出版社:吉林出版集团 作者:于鑫 编 页数:162
故事教学法是学习语言的千锤百炼的不二法门,它胜过任何教材。基于这种英语教学理念,本书撷取45篇诙谐幽默的短篇故事编写而成。它既与新课标接轨,又与各种小学英语教材兼融;同时根据小学生的认知特点和学习习惯,在激发学生学习英语的兴趣、培养学生英语实践能力方面精心取材和巧妙设计。 本书根据小学生学习英语的语言发展规律,控制词汇和语法的使用,由浅到深地取材,充分照顾了读者的理解能力。每篇故事都反映了小学生的生活、思想和感情实际,令孩子爱不释手、忍俊不禁。图文并茂 每篇故事都配有贴切、生动、幽默的小插图,帮助小读者理解语言,提高小读者的英语鉴赏能力。题型既符合孩子的认知规律,又与标准和主流英语测试接轨;既能测试学生对文章的理解程度,又能培养学生的动笔写作能力,还可以考查学生在情景语境中运用语言的水平。 本书配有译文,可以无师自通,也可供学校培训使用。
Unit 1 The Birthday PresentUnit 2 What Is It? Unit 3 The Wrong Feet Unit 4 Where are My Glasses?Unit 5 Not CleverUnit 6 What Is John Playing?Unit 7 John Has a Busy DayUnit 8 Fragile! This Side Up!Unit 9 Going to WorkUnit 10 Not a ThiefUnit 11 The Greedy DogUnit 12 The Lion and the MouseUnit 13 School Report Unit 14 The Farmer and His HorseUnit 15 Police Dogs Unit 16 The Fox and the Bird Unit 17 The Wrong Way Unit 18 The Foolish Cyclist Unit 19 A Good MemoryUnit 20 A Guessing Game Unit 21 EmergencyUnit 22 A Bowl of NoodlesUnit 23 Helping Mr.Cui Unit 24 TreasureUnit 25 In Hospital Unit 26 No One ThereUnit 27 A Stranger in the Town Unit 28 Paul Wanted His Ball Unit 29 A Bad Workman Blames His Tools! Unit 30 Not WelcomeUnit 31 By the SeasideUnit 32 First Day at School Unit 33 Brave SusieUnit 34 The Untidy RoomUnit 35 Telling the TruthUnit 36 Lost and FoundUnit 37 The Clever ParrotUnit 38 The Wise Man Unit 39 The Two Shopkeepers Unit 40 The Joke Unit 41 Stone SoupUnit 42 The Musician Who Became KingUnit 43 The Most Beautiful SoundUnit 44 Holes to Fall intoUnit 45 A Piece of Paper参考译文
Many years ago there was a kind old woman who lived in a small house in theforest. She was very poor and lived on nuts and berries. She often visited thenearby village. The villagers thought she was a wise old woman and asked her totell them their fortune. rll tell you what I can see, she always said, and told thema few simple truths about themselves. One of the men in the village was very frightened of the old woman. Hebelieved she was a witch. He planned to do evil things and he thought she knewabout them. Tell me my future, he said, hoping to find out how much she knew. Ican tell you only that soon you will hurt someone you love, she said. The man did not believe this was all she knew. He decided to kill her. Hebought a fine fruit cake from the village baker and put rat poison into it. Then hegave it to the old woman. Here is one of our bakers finest cakes for you, hesaid.Make sure you eat it all.
《六灰狼和小白兔》?《白雪公主》?《龟免赛跑》?我有最新的、最有趣曲、最悬疑的、最惊险的故事书!快来看看《我最喜欢的英语故事书》吧! 《瑕最喜欢的英语书系列》按照儿童的认知规律,撷取儿童生话中最重要、最基础、最实用的英语知识,以美轮美奂的图片呈现出来,刺激儿童酌好奇心、想象力和语言敏感性,配以对话、歌谣、歌曲等生动、活泼的学习形式,是小学生学习英语酌最佳选择。请相信我们!选择我们!让我们一起为您的孩子创建一个快乐英语世界!