出版时间:2010-12 出版社:吉林出版集团 作者:理查德·克莱德曼 页数:119 字数:120000 译者:好好艺术工作室
浪漫之路 — 克莱德曼的人生
梦中的婚礼 Mariage D'Amour
再见悲伤 Bye Bye Tristesse
爱的协奏曲 Concerto Pour une Jeune Fille Nommee “Je T'Aime”
达依女士 Lady Di
海边的星空 L' Ocean
拉·梅尔 L'Enfant Et La Mer
埃莉娜 Eleana
德朗的微笑 Dolannes Melodie
秋日私语 A Comme Amour
向黑夜出发 Le Voyage Dans La Nuit (Theme from Midnight Station)
梦的故事 Histoire D'un Reve
罗密欧与朱丽叶 Love Theme (Romeo & Juliet)
悲哀的结束 Les Fleurs Sauvages
绿袖子 Greensleeves
秘密的庭院 Jardin Secret
超级乐者 Old Fashion
柔如彩虹 Couleur Tendresse
爱情褪色时 L'Amour Exile
威尼斯之旅 Voyage A Venise
怀念的旋律 Melodie Des Souvenirs
童年的回忆 Souvenirs D'Enfance
给母亲的信 Lettre A Ma Mere
忧郁的时刻 L'Heure Bleue
午后的旅行 Triste Coeur
水边的阿迪丽娜 Ballade Pour Adeline
乒乓之恋 Ping Pong Sous Les Arbres
梦中的鸟 Murmures
圣诞协奏曲 Christmas Concerto
星空 Lyphard Melody
爱的旋律 La Vraie Musique De L'Amour
阿根廷,别为我哭泣 Don't Cry For Me Argentina
When the developmental stage for a drug product reaches large-scale manu-facture,one of the more important parameters of interest is the ability of pow-dered solids to flow.204-206 Processability of these materials is greatly affected byflowability concerns,since the materials invariably need to be moved from placeto place.For example,when tablets are to be compressed at high speeds,the effi-ciency of the machine will only be suitable if the powder feed can be delivered at asufficiently high rate.Since many pharmaceutical compounds are cohesive innature,their flow characteristics tend to be undesirable.One of the aims of gran-ulation is reduce the cohesive nature of the individual components,producing auniformly blended material whose physical properties are more suitable forprocessing. An extremely useful system was described by Carr,who devised a system thatcan be used for the evaluation of the flowability of powdered solids.207,208In hisapproach,Carr defined a number of parameters related to flow,which are scoredafter their measurement according to a weighting system.Powder flowability isevaluated using the angle of repose(defined as the angle formed when a cone of pow-der is poured onto a flat surface),the angle of spatula(defined as the angle formedwhen materialis raised on a flat surface out of a bulk pile),compressibility(obtainedfrom measurement of the bulk and tapped material densities),and cohesion(relatingto the attractive forces which exist on particle surfaces).The overall summation ofthese permits deductions regarding the degree of powder flowability. When powders flow,they do so either in a steady controlled fashion(as in thecase of dry sand),or in an uncontrolled gushing manner(as would damp sand,forwhich the entire bulk tries to move in a solid massl.This latter condition is termedfloodable flow,and is most characteristic of the flow of cohesive,sticky powders.The floodability of a powder is determined by its overall flowability(the determi-nation of which has iust been described),the angle of fall(obtained as the new repose angle when the powder cone is mechanically shocked),the dispersibility(ability of a given powder to become fluidized),and the angle of differencefobtained as the numerical difference between the angle of fall and angle of repose). To illustrate the utility of Carr's method in the evaluation of powder flow,full characterization of 12 lors of microcrystalline cellulose have been carried out.209Measurements of the actual mass flow rates were obtained.as well as each ofthe parameters specified by Carn As evident in Figure 11,the overall flowabilityindex proved to be a reliable predictor of the relative degree of bulk powder flowfor granular material grades.but the correlation with actual flow rates did not hold for fine material grades.Detailed comparisons of the possible relation of each parameter with the mass flow rates were conducted with the aim of determining which parameter exerted the largest influence over the mass flow rate.For the microcrvstalline cellulose samples evaluated in this study,it was learned that the powder flow rates were largely determined by the sample compressibility and degrees of cohesion.Fairly well defined,but separate,inverse linear relationships were deduced between these properties and the mass flow rates.