
出版时间:2011-3  出版社:上海书店出版社  作者:申伟国  页数:126  


Vocabulary)及实用表达(Common Expressioils)。


Unit 1
 Section I Dialogues
 Section lI Oral Practice
 Text Drama as Performing Art
 Section III Drama Dialogue: Faith
 Section IV More Practice
Unit 2
 Section I Dialogues
 Section II Oral Practice
 Text Benefits of Drama
 Section III Drama Dialogue: Death of A Salesman
 Section IV More Practice
 Section V Professional Vocabularies
 Section VI Common Expressions
Unit 3
 Section I Dialogues
 Section II Oral Practice
 Text Characteristics of Movie English
 Section III Drama Dialogue: Titanic
 Section IV More Practice
Unit 4
 Section I Dialogues
 Section II Oral Practice
 Text Nicole Kidman, Hollywood's Leading Lady
 Section I]I Drama Dialogue: A Walk in the Clouds
 Section IV More Practice
 Section V Professional Vocabularies
 Section VI Common Expressions
Unit 5
 Section I Dialogues
 Section II Oral Practice
 Text The One-Eyed Monster
 Section III Drama Dialogue: Friends
 Section IV More Practice
Unit 6
 Section I Dialogues
 Section II Oral Practice
 Text Do the Advantages of Television Outweigh the
 Section III Drama Dialogue: Growing Pa/ns
 Section IV More Practice
 Section V Professional Vocabularies
 Section VI Common Expressions
Unit 7
 Section I Dialogues
 Section II Oral Practice
 Text The Phantom of the Opera
 Section III Drama Dialogue : Cats
 Section IV More Practice
Unit 8
 Section I Dialogues
 Section II Oral Practice
 Text The Father of the Modern Musicals
 Section III Drama Dialogue: The Sound of Music
 Section IV More Practice
 Section V Professional Vocabularies
 Section VI Common Expressions
Keys to the Exercises


  The unique characteristic of movie English, audiovisual synchronization,makes it impossible for anyone to look up unfamiliar English usages by any tools while enjoying a movie. There are essential differences between watching a movie and reading a novel. The sentences students heard in the movies are often spoken very quickly and fluently, and they have no effective way to define where the unknown word starts. And even if the yare certain when the word begins, they may miss its pronunciation and spelling. While reading, it is unnecessary to worry about words missing;learners can always stop and find out meanings through various methods.As a result, for second language learners, movies are much more difficult to understand than written language which can be recorded and researchedsimultaneously. So large vocabulary seems important in improving English level through movie media.  Another characteristic of movie English is that each line, eachdialogue or monologue has moving pictures to illustrate and represent it.This is efficient to speculate meanings of quickly spoken and unknown English words and sentences. Depending on moving images, lively socialset tings and other real scenes, movies have better interpretations for whatever themes included. And for English learners, the reception of coinstantaneous images and sounds seldom loses it important role in understanding the language and thematic significance the movie tries to transmit.    ……




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