出版时间:2013-1 出版社:天地出版社 作者:杨天庆
茶与饮茶 Tea and Tea Drinking 1 关于中国茶的由来有哪些传说? What are the legendary origins of tea in China? 2 茶最初的功能是什么? What was the function of tea when it was first used? 3 饮茶的习惯源于什么地方? Historically, where did the babit oftea drinking come from? 4 唐朝饮茶有些什么习惯? Wbat was the fashion of tea drinking in the Tang Dynasty? 5 你对唐代以后茶的生产和饮茶习惯了解多少? What is the lustory of tea production and tea drinking after the Tang Dynasty? 6 英文单词“tea”是怎样出现的? What is the derivation of English word"tea"? 7 红茶与绿茶的主要区别是什么? Wbat are the main differences between black tea and green tea? 8 什么是乌龙茶? What is Oolong tea? 9 什么是团饼茶? What is tuanbing tea? 10 什么是功夫茶? What is Kungfu tea? 11 你知道如何选茶叶吗? What is the way to select tea? 12 有需要准备茶的特别场合吗? Are there special circumstances in which tea is prepared? 13 中国茶道有什么特点? What is the feature ofthe Chinese tea ceremony? 14 成都有许多茶馆吗? Are there many teahouses in Chengdu? 15 茶馆里主要使用的是什么茶具? What utensils are mainly used for tea drinking in teahouses? 16 为什么宜兴紫砂壶非常有名? Why is the Yixing ceramic teapot so well—known? 17 什么是茶博士? What is the Tea Service Master? 中国国烹调 Chinese Cuisine 1 你对中国烹调有什么认识? How do you think of Chinese cuisine? 2 辣椒是中国自古就有的吗? Was red peppera local product in ancient China? 3 中国烹调注重菜的“型”和“味道”吗? Does Chinese cuisine pay attention to the appearance and taste of dishes? 4 中国烹调注重“火候”吗? Does Chinese cuisine pay attention to the fire temperature? 5 中国主要地域菜系是怎样划分的? What are the main regional cuisine in China? 6 你对山东菜系知道多少? How much do you know about Shandong cuisine? 7 你对粤菜系知道多少? How much do you know about Cantonese cuisine? 8 你对扬州菜系知道多少? How much do you know about Yangzhou cuisine? 9 你对川菜系了解多少? How much do you know about Sichuan cuisine? 10 什么是火锅? What is Hotpot? 11 什么是传统形式的饭和菜? What are traditional forms of the fan and cai? 12 传统的中国主食有哪些特征? What are the features of traditional Chinese staple food? 13 什么是粗茶淡饭? What is the meaning of cucha danfan? 14 你对豆腐了解多少? How much do you know about beancurdin China? 15 饺子的由来有什么传说吗? Wbatis the legendary story about dumplings? 16 你知道窝窝头的传说吗? Do you know the legendary story about wowotou? 17 油条的由来有什么传说吗? What is the legendary story about Deep—fried clough stick? 18 宴会的一般程序是什么? What is the usual process of a banquet? 19 在正式的宴会中,来宾和主人的座次应如何安排? How are the guests and host seated fora formal dinner? 20 怎样理解中国人的热情好客? How do you understand the cbaracteristics of Chinese hospitality? 21 筷子有什么特点? What are the characteristics of chopsticks? 中国酒 Alcoholic Drinks in China 1 汉字“酒”在英文中的含义是什么? What is the meaning of Chinese character jiu in English? 2 中国古代酿酒的由来有哪些传说? What are the legends about the origin of alcoholic brewing in ancient China? 3 汉代传说中的故事和“汉砖”讲了关于饮酒酿酒的一些什么事情? Wbatis known about the drinking and brewing of alcohols from legendary stories of the Han Dynasty and the Han Bricks? 4 果酒和乳酒是古代中国第一代饮料酒吗? Was the fruit wine and milk wine the first generation of alcoholic drinks? 5 中国最古老的谷物酒叫什么名字? What is the name ofthe oldest grain wine in China? 6 在中国历史上谁最早提出禁酒? Who first raised a prohibition against alcoholic drinks? 7 生产白酒的主要原料是什么? Whatis the principalingredient for strong clear liquors in China? 8 中国古人饮酒有哪些礼节? How did Chinese behave when drinking in ancient times? 9 在宴会上饮酒有哪些礼节? How do Chinese bebave when drinking ata banquet? 10 现在饮酒有哪些礼节? Nowadays how do Chinese behave when drinking? 11 饮酒有哪些独特的方式? Are there any unique ways of alcoholic drinking? 12 饮酒时做什么游戏? What drinking games do people play? 13 你能告诉我几句李白写的饮酒诗吗? Would you please introduce some poems written by Li Bai on wine drinking? 14 你能告诉我几句杜甫写的饮酒诗吗? Would you please introduce some poems written by Du Fu on wine drinlang? 15 你能告诉我几句苏东坡写的饮酒诗吗? Would you please introduce some poems written by Su Dongpo on wine drinking? 16 你能告诉我一些名酒的情况吗? What are the characteristics of some famous wines orliquors? …… 汉字与书法 Chinese Characters and Calligraphy 中国绘画 Chinese Painting 中国传统棋牌 Traditional Chinese Chess Games 中国武术 Chinese Martial Arts 中国丝绸 Chinese Silk 中国陶瓷 Chinese Pottery and Porcelain 中国医药学 Traditional Chinese Medicine 中国古书 Ancient Chinese Books 中国古代神话 Ancient Chinese Mythology 中国戏剧艺术 Chinese Opera Arts 中国古代建筑 Ancient Chinese Architecture 儒教 Confucianism 道教 Daoism 佛教 Buddhism 民间信仰 Chinese Folk Belief 日常礼仪 Daily ceremony 婚姻礼俗 Marriage Etiquette and Customs 中国民间传统节日 Traditional Chinese Festivals 参考书目
版权页: As for the tea ceremony, different areas may have different ways to display their unique ceremony. Unlike the Japanese tea ceremony, the Chinese tea ceremony emphasizes the tea rather than the ceremony. During a Chinese tea ceremony, participants are most concerned with the tea taste and smell, as well as the difference between different tea. The tea ceremony doesn't mean that each server will perform the ritual in the same way, nor is there a relationship to religion. This style of tea-drinking uses small cups to match the small, unglazed clay teapots; each cup is just large enough to hold about two small servings of tea. The teas used in tea ceremonies are particularly refined. The server passes the dry and unbroken tealeaves around for everyone to see and smell. Then he displays a tiny teapot made from zisha clay. After heating water to boiling, the teapot is first rinsed with hot boiled water. The server uses pointed chopsticks to put the tea into the teapot and pours hot boiled water into it. The server rinses the tealeaves by filling the pot half full with hot boiled water and draining the water out immediately,leaving only the soaked tea leaves.