
出版时间:2009-6  出版社:辽海出版社  作者:钟山 编  页数:282  




MODULE 1 How to learn EnglishUnit 1 Try not to translate every word英汉对译知能剖析Unit 2 Please help Me!英汉对译知能剖析Unit 3 Language in use译文参考知能剖析精题精练语法专项MODULE 2 ExperiencesUnit l Have you ever entered a competition?英汉对译知能剖析Unit 2 Wei Ming has been all over Chinaby plane英汉对译知能剖析Unit 3 Language in use译文参考?知能剖析精题精练语法专项MODULE 3 Journey to spaceUnit 1 Has it arrived yet?英汉对译知能剖析Unit 2 We haven't found life on other planets yet英汉对译知能剖析Unit 3 Language in use译文参考知能剖析精题精练语法专项MODULE 4 EducationUnit l How long have you studied English?英汉对译知能剖析Unit 2 Project Hope has built manyschools英汉对译知能剖析Unit 3 Language in use译文参考知能剖析精题精练语法专项MODIJLFE 5 Western musicUnit 1 You like western classical music,don't you?英汉对译知能剖析Unit 2 Vienna is the centre of Europeanclassical music英汉对译知能剖析Unit 3 Language in use译文参考知能剖析精题精练语法专项MODULE 6 A famous storyUnit l She was sitting by the river英汉对译知能剖析Unit 2 The white rabbit was looking at its watch英汉对译知能剖析Unit 3 Language in use译文参考知能剖析精题精练语法专项Revision module A译文参考MODULE 7 Feelings and impressionsUnit l That smells delicious!英汉对译知能剖析Unit 2 I feel nervous when I speakChinese英汉对译知能剖析Unit 3 Language in use译文参考知能剖析精题精练语法专项MODULE 8 Around townUnit1 How do I get to the Forbidden City?英汉对译知能剖析Unit 2 The London Eye is on your right英汉对译知能剖析Unit 3 Language m use译文参考知能剖析精题精练语法专项MODULE 9 Animals in dangerUnit1 We need to protect animals,英汉对译知能剖析……MODULE 10 Lao she teahouseMODULE 11 The WeatherMODULE 12 traditional Life



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