出版时间:2010-1 出版社:凤凰出版传媒集团,译林出版社 作者:钱佼汝 页数:243
Upon the publication of this collection of essays by Professor QianJiaoru over years of a variety of English teaching, translating andresearch experiences, I would like to express my heart-feltcongratulations to him in the form of this preface, which I have thepleasure of writing at his request. Honestly, when he first asked me if Icould do him this favor, I was a little hesitant because I had just arrivedat Shihezi University in Xinjiang as a visiting professor with new peopleto meet and new things to attend to. But after reading the first few essayshe sent me, I felt sure they were going to make a good collection worthyof strong recommendation not only to students of English language andliterature but to scholars in this field as well. I have known Professor Qian for some years. We were onetimecolleagues at UNESCO where I had a chance to work for a period oftime in the autumn of 2002. I had the pleasure of sharing the same officewith him and I benefited a great deal from his experience and expertisein translating and revising the things which were quite different fromthose I was more familiar with. Later in 2005, Professor Qian and I wereinvited by a university in Nanchang to give lectures. Through thesecontacts and later communications to exchange ideas on teaching,translation and research, I found in Professor Qian an unassuming personwith the qualities of a fine scholar. Before he joined UNESCO in 1993, Professor Qian was professor ofEnglish and doctoral supervisor at Nanjing University where he hadtaught for 30 years since his graduation from the same institution. In the1980s, after his return from his studies abroad first in Australia and thenin America.
Upon the publication of this collection of essays by Professor Qian Jiaoru over years of a variety of English teaching, translating and research experiences, I would like to express my heart-felt congratulations to him in the form of this preface, which I have the pleasure of writing at his request. Honestly, when he first asked me if I could do him this favor, I was a little hesitant because I had just arrived at Shihezi University in Xinjiang as a visiting professor with new people to meet and new things to attend to. But after reading the first few essays he sent me, I felt sure they were going to make a good collection worthy of strong recommendation not only to students of English language and literature but to scholars in this field as well.
Qian Jiaotr(钱佼汝),formeer’professor of Engli sh at Nanjing Unixersity,graduated from the Depal’tment of I:ol’eign Languages and Literature of Nanj ing Unix’elsity in 1964 majoring in English,studied at the Unixersity of Sydney from 1979 to 1981 where he receixed his MA degree in English was inx ited by Cornell Unix ersityin 1986 as seniorisiting scholariand joined UNESCO in 1993 as selhior reviser in the Translation DivisiOn at its headquarters in Pari where he orked till his retirem,int in 2003. His Publications include essays in Chinese and English on stylistics,contemporary literary criticism and a translation of Fredric Jamesons The Prison-House of Language.
PrefaceAuthors Foreword1 LiteratureAnglo-American LiteratureThe Novel as Reflection of Society under ThreatClasses and Class Conflict as Seen in Shirley and North and SouthHuman Frailty and Tragic DestinyLiterature and SocietyA Long Nights Journey that Tries but Fails to Get Beyond the HorizonAustralian LiteratureA Reading of Shaw Neilsons Poem "The Orange Tree"Complexities of Human Nature in Australian Fictional CharactersPoetry Based on the Experience of MusicThe Affirmation of Life in Martin Boyds Lucinda BrayfordConfusion and Conflict in Frank Moorhouses Discontinuous Narrative The Americans, Baby2 Linguistics and StylisticsA Prosodic Analysis of "Chinese Accent" in Spoken EnglishA Critique of Seymour Chatmans "Miltons Participial Style"Superficiality, Spirituality, Superciliousness and SensualityThe Language of e. e. cummings Poem "anyone lived in a pretty how town"Stylistics and the Teaching of Literature to EFL Learners in China3 Miscellaneous WritingsSome Aspects of Jiajiao (Private Tuition) in China TodayTranslation at UNESCO
Classes and Class Conflict as Seen in Shirley and North and South Strictly speaking, Elizabeth Gaskells North and South and especially Charlotte Brontes Shirley are not typical examples of the "indu strialnovels" that began to thrive in English literature in the first half of the19th century. Neither of them takes classes and class conflict as its main theme or offers any realistic and satisfactory solution to this socialproblem that became more and more acute with rapid industrialization.Shirley, written in 1849, is perhaps the only novel in which Charlotte Bronte attempts to describe an industrial action and to show how itaffects the lives of her characters. But in spite of this socio-economicing redient, the novel is basically a romance, in which the individual conflicts and frustrations of the middle-class protagonists are of much greater concern to the author than the antagonism and struggles between the social classes. A large part of the novel deals with the expectation sand disappointments of two young couples of the leisured class. The social problems rather superficially touched upon here and there serve only as a background for the unfolding of the personal drama of the main characters. North and South, on the other hand, gives a much morede tailed account of the relationship between the social classes in Englan din the middle of the 19 century. However, the strike scene that climaxes the confrontation between the masters and the men does not really comeinto the story until Chapter 22, where the reader is almost half way through the book. And in the latter part of the novel.