
出版时间:2008-7  出版社:译林出版社  作者:SRA 编  页数:122  


  随着我国对外交流的日益频繁,英语的使用范围越来越广。中学是英语学习的一个黄金时期。对于英语学习者来说,阅读能力对于英语技能的全面提高至关重要,新课标对于初中学生的阅读量也有明确要求,初中毕业时,英语课外阅读量累计须达到15万词。有鉴于此,《英语阅读技能提高训练》应运而生。  本书结构:  本书共分为八个部分,每个部分训练一项语言技能。第一部分,Getting the Main Idea:概括文章主旨,主要是训练学生的概括能力;第二部分,Finding:Details:找细节,主要是训练学生仔细阅读的能力,通过字里行间的细微环节找出问题的答案;第三部分,Comparing&Contrasting:进行比较和对比,发现事物的异同;第四部分,Idntifying Cause&Effect:辨别原因和结果,训练学生分清因果关系的能力;第五部分,Identifying Fact&Opinion,辨别事实和观点,分清哪些是文章中的客观事实,哪些是人物的主观想法;第六部分,DrawingConclusions:概括总结,训练学生通过事实得出结论的能力;第七部分,Sequencing:排序,分清事件发生的先后顺序;第八部分,Making Inferences:推论,训练学生通过文中所述内容,得出某些隐含意义的能力。  本书特色:  1.目标明确,语言地道本书所有阅读材料均引自麦格劳一希尔教育出版公司出版的美国原版专项阅读训练读物Multiple Skills Series for Reading,语言地道,适合阅读,非常有助于中学生,特别是有一定词汇积累的初中生开阔视野,培养跨文化交流意识,提高自身的阅读技能以及其他各项语言技能。此外,本书还具有很强的诊断性,能鉴别出学生在哪些特定的阅读技能类型上还有待提高。  2.题材丰富,内容生动阅读项目成功的一个关键因素在于题材的选择。紧跟时代潮流的小说和非小说题材的文章,能激发学生的阅读兴趣,激励他们运用所学的阅读策略来继续他们的阅读训练项目。




1 Getting the Main Idea2 Finding Details3 Comparing & Contrasting4 Identifying Cause & Effect5 Identifying Fact & Opinion6 Drawing Conclusions7 Sequencing8 Making Inferences9 Answer Keys


  55. For up to twelve hours each day, the Chapmans sit in front of their store. They wave to nyone and everyone. Over the years they have waved to thousands of people. They have also een discovered by newspaper, magazine, and television reporters, but they have not charged for interviews when reporters talk to them.  The story tells mainly about  (A) why the Chapmans wave to everyone.  (B) how much the Chapmans charge for their waves.  (C) how the Chapmans became famous by waving.  56.ost animal doctors are in their offices only during the day. If a pet gets hurt or sick at night, there is usually no place to go for help. In Alabama there is an animal clinic that is open at night. Many of the animals brought to the clinic have broken bones or cuts. Others may be sick and need medicine. Whatever ailments they have, all the pets receive quick attention.  The story tells mainly about  (A) where to find animal clinics.  (B) why animals go to animal clinics.  (C) when animal hospitals are open.  57. Have you ever heard of acupuncture? Acupuncture comes to us from China. There,acupuncture has often been used to cure someone who is ill or in pain. First an acupuncturist talks to the sick person about his or her problem. Then the acupuncturist puts very thin needles into the persons body. This kind of treatment often helps the problem disappear.





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