
出版时间:2013-2  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  




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版权页:   decision-maker决策者 decision-making决策 decision-making approach决策方式 decision-making body决策机构 decision-making method决策方法 decision-making organ决策机构 decision-making process决策程序 decision-making theory决策理论 decision theory决策理论 decision tree决策树 Declaration and Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New Intemational Economic Order《建立新国际经济秩序宣言和行动纲领》 Declaration by the Group of Non—aligned and Neutral States《不结盟和中立国家集团宣言》 Declaration of Human Rights《人权宣言》 Declaration oflndependence《独立宣言》 declaration of neutrality中立宣告 Declaration of Rights for Development《发展权利宣言》 Declaration of the Hague《海牙宣言》 Declaration of the Law of the Sea《海洋法宣言》 Declaration of the Rights of Man《人权宣言》 Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen《人权与公民权宣言》 declaration of war宣战 Declaration on Atlantic Relations《大西洋关系宣言》 Declaration on General Security(苏、中、英、美)《普遍安全宣言》 Declaration on International Cooperation for Disarmament《国际合作裁军宣言》 Declaration on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism《消除国际恐怖主义措施宣言》 Declaration on Peace and Disarmament《和平与裁军宣言》 Declaration on Population and Sustainable Development《人口与可持续发展宣言》 Declaration on Rights and Duties of States《国家权利义务宣言》 Declaration on the Denuclearization of Africa《非洲无核化宣言》 declaratory agreement宣言性协定 decolonization非殖民化 decolonize使非殖民化 de facto authority事实上的当局 de facto blockade事实封锁 de facto government事实上的政府 de facto recognition事实上承认 defaulting state违约国 defence保卫;防御;辩护 defence appropriation国防经费 defence bond国防债(券) defence budget国防预算 defence capability国防能力 defence department国防部 defence expenditure国防开支,国防支出 defence in depth纵深防御 defence spending国防开支 defensive alliance防御同盟 defensive armament防御性军备 defensive cooperation防御性合作 defensive strategic nuclear weapon system防御性战略核武器系统 defensive war防卫战争 deference顺从,遵从 deference value遵从值,遵从度 definite permanent appropriation定额永久经费。





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