
出版时间:2012-12  出版社:顾力行,麦克 H.普罗斯(Michael H. Prosser),翁立平 上海外语教育出版社 (2012-12出版)  作者:顾力行,麦克 H.普罗斯(Michael H. Prosser),翁立平  


《价值观研究的框架:文化与跨文化的理论基础》,本书是“跨文化研究”系列丛书的第四本,是上海外国语大学生校级重大科研项目,由上海外国语大学跨文化研究中心负责人顾力行和Michael H. Prosser共同主编。本书讨论了在文化与跨文化基础下的价值观,在价值观研究方面具有一定的学术价值。


AcknowledgementsSeries Preface    Foreword    Preface to the Two Values VolumesPart One第一部分Reviewing History"The Beginnings ofComparative Cultural Values Studies历史背景:跨文化价值观比较研究的起源Chapter 1 Values Studies:The Origins and Development of CoreCrossCultural Comparisons    Chapter 2 The Empirical Foundations of Current Values ResearchChapter 3  Values,Valences,Actions,Justice,and Emotions: The Flinders Program of Research on Values Forty Years On Norman TFeather  Chapter 4 Value Frameworks across Oaltures:Hofstede’S,Ingelhart’S, and Schwartz’S Approaches    Part Two第二部分Bui lding Frameworks:The State of the Art on Empi rical Values Research构建框架:价值观定量研究的技巧及现状Chapter 5  Dimensionalizing Cultures:The Hofstede Model in Context    Chapter 6 Expanding Hofstede’S Model with New Dimensions from the World Values Survey and National StatisticsChapter 7 Measuring National Cultures:Forty Years On Peter BSmithChapter 8 Basic Human Values:Their Content and Structure across Cultures    Chapter 9 Robustness and Fruitfulness of a Theory of Universals in Individual Values(The PVQ)    Chapter 10 Mapping and Interpreting Cultural Differences aroundthe World    Part Three第三部分Integrating Comparisons:Moving Ahead with Values Research综合比较:价值观研究的继续发展Chapter 11 Universal Human Rights as Universal Values:A Historical Perspective    Chapter 12 Beyond Value Differences in Intercultural Research:State—ofthe—Art Research on Attributional Differences and Their Implications for Cross—Cultural InteractionsChapter 13 The Cultural Fit of Global Values Surveys in East Asia:The Urgency to Include East AsianOrigin ConceptsChapter 14 Going Beyond Chinese Values:An Insider’S Retrospections    Chapter 15 What Does It Mean to Be“Chinese”?Studying Valuesas Perceived by Chinese Immigrants to the United States and by Their Children Todd LSandel, Anna WongLowe,and Wen—YuChao中大德,黄颂安,赵文煜Chapter 16 Revisiting Trompenaars and HampdenTurner: Drawing the Lines of Intercultural Communication in a China—European Joint Venture    About the AuthorsAbout the Series





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