
出版时间:2012-7  出版社:上海外语教育出版社  作者:梅德明 编  页数:191  字数:371000  




Unit 1
Text Ⅰ
My First Job
Text Ⅱ
How to Do Well on a
Job Interview
Text Ⅲ
Are You the One in 50
We're Looking for?
Guided Writing
Comprehensive Exercises
Unit 2
Text Ⅰ
The Wedding Letter
Text Ⅱ
The Family Portrait
Text Ⅲ
The Bermuda Triangle
Guided Writing
Comprehensive Exercises
Uni 3
Text Ⅰ
A Man from
Stratford - William
Text Ⅱ
William Shakespeare
Text Ⅲ
Shakespeare's Plays
Guided Writing
Comprehensive Exercises
Unit 4
The Light at the End of
the Chunnel
Text Ⅱ
Confucius, the
Text Ⅲ
How Does a Lakeland Gottage in Killarney Sound?
Guided Writing
Comprehensive Exercises
Unit 5
On Not Answering the
Text Ⅱ
How to Cope with
Your Phone
Text Ⅲ
How to Use the Telephone
Guided Writing
Comprehensive Exercises
Unit 6
Text Ⅰ
On Buying Books
Text Ⅱ
Online Shopping
Text Ⅲ
Bestsellers from the History Guild
Guided Writing
Comprehensive Exercises
Unit 7
Text Ⅰ
Who Killed Benny Paret?
Text Ⅱ
A Piece of Steak
Text Ⅲ
Boxing Rules
Guided Writing
Comprehensive Exercises
Unit 8
Text Ⅰ
Keep Class 2 Under Your Thumb
Text Ⅱ
Letter to a B Student
Text Ⅲ
The History Guild
Guided Writing
Comprehensive Exercises
Unit 9
Text Ⅰ
A Winter to Remember
Text Ⅱ
A January Wind
B Ode to Autumn
Guided Writing
Comprehensive Exercises
Unit 10
Text Ⅰ
A Fable for Tomorrow
Text Ⅱ
The Nightmare of Life
Without Fuel
Text Ⅲ
Down the Drain
Guided Writing
Comprehensive Exercises
Unit 11
Text Ⅰ
After Twenty Years
Text Ⅱ
Friends and Such
Good Friends
Text Ⅲ
By the Pricking of My Thumbs Agatha Christie
Guided Writing
Comprehensive Exercises
Unit 12
Text Ⅰ
Text Ⅱ
Family Christmas
Text Ⅲ
Guided Writing
Comprehensive Exercises



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